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  1. I

    Since this could help all the growers in Az

    pardon me if this sounds ignorant but why not file a completely separate equal protection suit. once issues are heard in court and commented on the record by judges, it sets precedent for later cases. perhaps a larger perspective on these matters should be considered. it would be a shame to ruin...
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    Any Organic Purists in Arizona?

    thats a nice looking gsc cut. what are its origins if you dont mind my asking?
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    Since this could help all the growers in Az

    please clarify if i am mistaken but this is how i understand what happened: so this was dismissed on two accounts basically. first administrative remedies were not exhausted meaning this case was not presented and then appealed to the proper authorities in the proper order. i am guessing there...
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    Yep, gavitas but I suspect only 600s. Given room size and light placement, also the lack of adequate acs to cool 12k. I may be mistaken though. One thing is for sure they are not cheap.
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    oh look, dispensary awards

    And the winner is an out of state company. Wtf?
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    foudn where your 1000 went. some people are just scum.
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    Farmer's market-

    You are really this delusional? The dispensaries are the only ones here who wish to limit growing in any way. I support the dispensaries growing. I want them to grow warehouses full of thousands of plants, they want me to go to prison on a felony for growing a few plants in my closet. Once again...
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    prop 203 and firearms?

    Whether its illegal or federally illegal or state legal that's all moot. The point here is why the fuck is our money in the amma being used for scare propaganda against the very thing it is created to advocate. When a state runs their system like this, who would want to he a part f that.
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    ACLU Files Lawsuit

    Only an asshole that works for dispensaries who give a shit and follow shit like this...
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    Farmer's market-

    What's really funny about this are two things. First the fact that the dispensary cock sucker on here has to make up scare stories to try and dissuade patients from visiting the markets is funny. With their milljons of dollars invested and huge staff, these shit suckers cat compete with an old...
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    Farmer's market-

    Blah blahh blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah. ;)
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    prop 203 and firearms?

    Yet again our fear less leader shill humble shows his utmost shpport for the program he is charged with running. Nothing like a state official using federal law to scare citizens. I am so glad that they are spe ding the amma money on worthwhile topics and informational campaigns which really...
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    oh look, dispensary awards

    How can they have a bud contest when half of them get their garbage from the same place? Why do we care who has the best shitty outdoor bud from CO or norcal. Also there will be no consumption of cannabis at the event it figures. Most of the disp owners don't smoke. They will be getting drunk...
  14. I

    Any of you grow FrankenBerry?

    This thread highlights the inadequacy and failure of the azdhs dispensary system as a means of reasonable access to affordable MEDICAL marijuana. You got this newbie shit grower whose brother bought a dispensary asking home growers whom he barred from growing, about cuts of a shit feminized...
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    Caregiver Question

    I know a patient with a non cultivating caregiver. They did not request to cultivate (caregiver) this was prior to any dispe saries opening. It offers protection from possession charges if you are not a qualified patient. Also in the past I have had a patient of mine renew after a dispensary...
  16. I

    Medical pot excludes resin-based products

    Yeah I noticed they did not put anything in this months newsletter. Must be spending our money to make sure they come up with a bullshit statement that doesn't leave the state open for a class action suit.
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    Since this could help all the growers in Az

    You can't smoke the "usable marijuana" (whatevrr the fuck that means) and your can't have resin based edibles (which all effective edibles essentially are) or tinctures and most certainly can't vape resin based concentrates. Nothing like going after the sick and infirmed who can't care for...
  18. I

    Feds wont undo state's marijuana laws

    So the doj won't prosecute. This won't stop the largest goon gang in the country from ransacking and pillaging these pot shops. There just won't be any charges brought just confiscation of assets and cash.
  19. I

    Medical pot excludes resin-based products

    A new low for our officials. They just can't stand without having some sort of antidrug propaganda campaign based on bullshit. This time it is a dkrect flaunt of the actual law and a lack of clarification from the courts. There continues to be a vast disconect between the law a d its...
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    Whats in your bowl?

    Mine is much more og and sweet berry than lemon.