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  1. GreenthumbQC

    Harvesting early, No flush, how much is this gonna suck donkey D***

    So without telling you my life story and the name of my girlfriends cat, I have a northern lights auto by crop king seeds that's, I don't F***** recall old, and I need to harvest it live. Heres a few pics. I was hoping someone could give me an idea or insight into how this would smoke with no...
  2. GreenthumbQC

    DWC set up

    What? Your bubbler (airstone) is on 24/7. And I assume your waiting for your roots to hit water? You can water it like mad. Just let it dry out. Hope you get some BIG buds dude, bongsmilie
  3. GreenthumbQC

    Plants wilting - Newbie problem

    Whatever dude no worries, you gotta work with whatcha got. Theirs some seriously skilled growers on this forum and ive already seen a lot of great responses. Just HUG your plant with those cfls, their SERIOUSLY bell curved in their ability to sustain life vs their effective distance. Yeh dig?
  4. GreenthumbQC

    Plants wilting - Newbie problem

    Do yourself a favour a get a proper led. Like a 180 w ufo. Or a grownorthern. I don't know your budget. But that.. chain of leds, is not going to grow your plant very well. Its completely stretched.
  5. GreenthumbQC

    I need of advise

    Sweet seeds dark devil is hard to beat in terms of bag appeal if grown and harvested correctly.
  6. GreenthumbQC

    Basic single grow

    I wouldn't call that an upgrade. Go hps like everyone is shouting in your ear to do. Buy used. But your wasting time and money on cfl. And whoever said paint it flat white knows what their talking about. The closest and best substitute for mylar
  7. GreenthumbQC

    Cannabis Juicing Vid!

    Stupid thread
  8. GreenthumbQC

    Ballpark yield estimate?

    ? Just pinch and supercrop it half way up the stem? Gain half the height, and level buds
  9. GreenthumbQC

    Ec and ph

    1. just go 1.
  10. GreenthumbQC

    Ec and ph

    Yup 1.2 max for seedlings homie
  11. GreenthumbQC

    Ec and ph

    5.5 to 6.5 for hydro in ph. EC of 2.6 is what I run in flower. Canna products?
  12. GreenthumbQC

    Heat and humidity issues, micro cab

    Its an uphill battle you have. You need to exhaust heat. And you need to up your humidity. that's it that's all.
  13. GreenthumbQC

    Starting to get amber trichomes

    Pictures of the whole plant would help to determine maturity. Could you upload please? Generally you chop when you see amber but its all dependant on the high you want.
  14. GreenthumbQC

    Ec and ph

    Completely dependant on medium, strain, age, and base nutes. You need to provide all that information please.
  15. GreenthumbQC

    Best hid for 2x3 area

    400 is what I have in a 3x3 and I need to dim it. good luck!
  16. GreenthumbQC

    Dr. undergrounds pink kush. Lower leaves turning yellow, one brown spot

    Very possible, but the yellowing? And slight droopiness.
  17. GreenthumbQC

    Dr. undergrounds pink kush. Lower leaves turning yellow, one brown spot

    DWC setup, 400 watt mh, ph 6, recipe for success nutes and supps. Everything was fine until the last hour.