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  1. W

    I can't sex my plants!

    Thank you!
  2. W

    I can't sex my plants!

    Alright guys I got a couple seeds from a friend that breeded his own strain and decided to give grow a shot but I've stumbled with the sexing of the plant. My plants came out of the roxkwool block I put them in on the 27th of August, and I still can't seem to be able to get a sex. This beauty...
  3. W

    Ebb flow ppm problem!!

    the pH was obtain straight out of a faucet I don't live in the city so I use well water lm
  4. W

    Ebb flow ppm problem!!

    Hello guys, I'm starting an ebb flow system that will hold a jack herer, 2 mad hatter and a lemon skunk. The reservoir will hold 8 gallons and the medium is hydroton. The clones are in an aeroponic clonning system ready to be planted but I ran into an issue. My starting water ppm is 500 and ph...
  5. W

    G13 deficiency

    I got them in that soil from a buddy that had them underneath t5s feeding them just water for 9 months just to keep them alive, right now I took over to get some clones. That being said I figured the nutrients from the soil were gone but I could be wrong.
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    G13 deficiency

    I'm only a beginner, I'm sorry. ...they had been allgreen and healthy all through veg. Then boom something happen
  7. W

    G13 deficiency

    I got fox farm soil guys....and yeah I'm only gonna grow it one more time if I don't get yield she's getting pulled
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    First outdoor what do you guys think?

    Mine thankfully, don't get wet. So the only thing I got to worry is about the high humidity but I can't help that
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    First outdoor what do you guys think?

    Even if I cut that cola off? They are cover under a canopy but it had a hole there I did not notice...
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    First outdoor what do you guys think?

    Yeah it has rain for the past 3 weeks....give me more sun mother nature!!! Thank you friend!! I don't even wanna think about trimming I have 6 plants total all of them 8 ft tall and 6ft wide. ...and all I got is a pair of scissors.. I've only heard stories so far
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    First outdoor what do you guys think?

    If I'm correct the jack has a 70 day flowering period so I still got about 21 more days
  12. W

    G13 deficiency

    sorry for the delay
  13. W

    First outdoor what do you guys think?

    Thank you! I hope it turns out long do you flush yourd
  14. W

    First outdoor what do you guys think?

    This is my first grow ever and I don't know what I should think of it. Help The first one is a jack herer Second one g13 Last one madhatter
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    G13 deficiency

    The reason why they're so big is because they're my mother plants basically. I bought a house so I was low in money so I just had them under t5 with a little of water and food for them to stay alive and now I'm getting clones to flip them will post pics soon
  16. W

    G13 deficiency

    The guy before you said deficiency and you think is burn, how come... I will definitely do a flush
  17. W

    G13 deficiency

    Every 3 days
  18. W

    wavy seedling leaves

    That's fine if you look at my pics you can see my ww at 10 days old and then the next one was 17 days old!! Just give it time
  19. W

    G13 deficiency

    Just posted one sorry