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  1. michaeljdumpout

    my plants are already flowering...need help...

    well im glad that this has happened for u bro cause i havent had no revegg luck
  2. michaeljdumpout

    need help!! my cuttings are flowering way to early!!

    Im not feelin this shit its making it hard for alot of our peers who couldnt wait for the season
  3. michaeljdumpout

    1 ft Plant Flowering in MAY!!! Need Opinions.

    Home boy im going thro the same shit with alot riding. No one really gave me no advice on this site so i had to research the shit and what i found was that by the time they revert will be about the end of july in virginia so ima start feeding flowering fertz this weekend to make the most of the...
  4. michaeljdumpout

    Budding outside to early what should i do

    Can i get some help please
  5. michaeljdumpout

    Budding outside to early what should i do

    Its been a few weeks now .. i put the plants out april 15 and they started budding b4 may 7 . Ive been using the fox farm line and sticking to the fox farm feeding schedule but now that they are budding they r starting to turn yellow . A few weeks ago i posted some threads and i got the response...
  6. michaeljdumpout

    outdoor problems!

    Same shit hear bro but i was told to just let mother nature take care of my bitchies but i dont want my yeild to be affected
  7. michaeljdumpout

    Whats the problem with them

    thats wwhat i was thinking thanks
  8. michaeljdumpout

    Whats the problem with them

    BUT IF IT IS PRE flowering at this stage will that affect my veg growth or will it contribute to a bigger yield
  9. michaeljdumpout

    Whats the problem with them

    NO!!!! pre flowers im talking< bud ill post pictures friday morning i have video footage but i don think i can post that up here
  10. michaeljdumpout

    Whats the problem with them

    I understand this but i stay in virginia and we are getting 13 hours of light right now
  11. michaeljdumpout

    Whats the problem with them

    On April the 4 i started my outdoor grow of 36 sour d plants. This past weekend i went out to check them and they are already flowering is this what im supposed to be going through or not even with any strain i thought that would have at least 3 months before any sings of flowering would take...
  12. michaeljdumpout

    Sticky buds that weigh more!

    EVERYone has their own opinion
  13. michaeljdumpout

    What is this

    thaks for nothing
  14. michaeljdumpout

    What is this

    no comments sure cha ching might help well i know it would but this guy is using other things that he 's not sharing
  15. michaeljdumpout

    What is this

    Ok so this is my new problem... I sold one of my mothers from my second closet ebb n flow dro a bagseed strain unknown but very potient. So the person i sold it to never grow any fucking thing so he calls me for advice. So i give him all the info this fucker needs down to a watering schedule. So...
  16. michaeljdumpout

    OutdOor Grow With BagSeed

    Thats a nice looking shorty
  17. michaeljdumpout

    1lb from a 5 gallon bucket

    ive been asking the same ? in a thread i posted a week ago.. really didnt get much response must people say :leaf:a bigger hole to reach your goal.
  18. michaeljdumpout

    whats the most u yeild n a 5 gallon bucket outdoors

    yeah i pretty much know that but have you every seen a 5 gallon bucket yield and if so how much was it
  19. michaeljdumpout

    7-12 lbs trees are the norm for these guys !!

    that shit is fucking crazy just think if i could grow a 100 of those i would be the fucking man
  20. michaeljdumpout

    whats the most u yeild n a 5 gallon bucket outdoors

    my plants are already a foot and a half tall so what do u think the outcome will be