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  1. MediMaryUser

    Carport GreenHouse 2011

    im happy just knowing one day not now not next year or the next but one day im going to grow 5+ pound plant out of like a 200 gallon geo pot maybe even go for a 10 pounder one day i cant wait lol im just hanging out with my single 65 gal geo and people like you are what make me want to grow a...
  2. MediMaryUser

    Here's What I Got So Far

    tied some shit down and cracked a branch i was going to tape it back together but im just going to leave it i think it will fix it self what should i do?
  3. MediMaryUser

    Carport GreenHouse 2011

    did u ask ur neighbor n explain to please turn the light off lol i mean your neighbors know whats in there rite lol and i love your grows there so in ur face im better than you i love them there some of my favorite ones to watch
  4. MediMaryUser

    Tying Down Vs. Super Cropping?

    the plants hardly growing taller its just gettin extremely fat and the main stalk / stem looks pretty trippy watching it come up and then bend at like 90 degree angles with fat knots
  5. MediMaryUser

    Norcal outdoor 2011 (saving the season)

    oakland patient center sells them i think lol
  6. MediMaryUser

    Greenhouse vs Raised Bed vs Large Hole

    hahaahah if a ripper come to get ur plants he better have a tree service, yep haha
  7. MediMaryUser

    Tying Down Vs. Super Cropping?

    probably snapped like 30+ branches on my outdoor plant and only a couple didnt come out rite lol
  8. MediMaryUser

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    kill butterflies kill butterflies kill butterflies kill kill destroy die die die lol
  9. MediMaryUser

    My outdoor grow, lets see yours

    real real bushy check my newest thread in my sig to see mine if ur interested, hey dont u love how plants dont stretch at all when they get hours and hours of direct sun light
  10. MediMaryUser

    Tying Down Vs. Super Cropping?

    super crop if you no how but if ur just a newb tie that shit down(or if u have all day to tie shit down ) id rather just supercrop its way faster and if u do it rite u dont break the branches open. picute this. pretend like u want to break my back and hip bones so my body will fold over but u...
  11. MediMaryUser

    Here's What I Got So Far

    should i trim the lower stuff kinda like lollipoping?
  12. MediMaryUser

    8 Ft. tall sativa ?

    what a waste of space sorry to say.. squeeze the stem so it gets broke and bend it over
  13. MediMaryUser

    Here's What I Got So Far

    should i cut some stuff from the lower middle out ??
  14. MediMaryUser

    Here's What I Got So Far

    comments /criticism/questions welcome
  15. MediMaryUser

    Here's What I Got So Far

    heres my grow so far 1 lary og in a 65 gallon geo,wider than it is tall only at like 3 feet
  16. MediMaryUser

    My Nine Monster: A Story Written and Produced by TMB

    i want some iced tea now!
  17. MediMaryUser

    Wheezers little 12- last minute cheap grow

    that ssh is a tree allready !
  18. MediMaryUser

    What size are your plants by July 1st?

    almost 3 feet tall but just over 4 feet wide and full of branches and leafs
  19. MediMaryUser

    Do i still have time to grow a new clone outdoor or should i?

    if u have the option of starting with a bigger plant why the fuck would u throw a lil clone out thats all i want to know