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  1. mattman089

    When to introduce liquid Kelp to your grow?

    I'm guilty myself lol. I always thought that the plant would eventually consume the nutes over time and it was good to add once that occured. Tomato, tomahto lol
  2. mattman089

    When to introduce liquid Kelp to your grow?

    Much appreciated input! Really with fox farms?? Even after a couple weeks of water only once the plant has consumed much of the nutrients that are in there??
  3. mattman089

    When to introduce liquid Kelp to your grow?

    Niice. How often are you feeding and what medium? What swayed you to use it on a regular basis? I'm using FFOF and looks like it has some kelp in it already so will probably begin to add in about 2 weeks once the plants use up what's already in there.
  4. mattman089

    When to introduce liquid Kelp to your grow?

    Thx.. Going to make a major difference? Every water or nute feeds only?
  5. mattman089

    When to introduce liquid Kelp to your grow?

    Bumpedy bump bump I am no chump.
  6. mattman089

    When to introduce liquid Kelp to your grow?

    Greetings and Salutations :eyesmoke:, Wondering when the best time to introduce liquid kelp into my grow - veg or flower? I'm about 3 weeks into veg in soil medium (FFOF) and haven't used any at this point. Just topped my plants yesterday and going to give them about 2 more weeks to recover...
  7. mattman089

    What causes this type of wrinkling..? Pics attached.

    good call... I watered her a few days ago to transplant the following day; moistened the soil in the larger container around where I placed so doesn't sound too far fetched and actually makes a lot of sense lol.. gracias amigo
  8. mattman089

    What causes this type of wrinkling..? Pics attached.

    That it is.. Guess I'm just just kinda referring to the middle left area seems to be a little wrinkly and not "smooth".. I may be over thinking it lol
  9. mattman089

    What causes this type of wrinkling..? Pics attached.

    Just curious.. Wind damage maybe? 2 weeks old. Not too worried about it just has me scratching the old head..
  10. mattman089

    When would you toss her?

    Sound advice. This train is moving forward.. just a bit slower than expected lol. Thanks amigo!
  11. mattman089

    When would you toss her?

    Hey thanks for the reply. Yea, it's all very frustrating. I've used the seed starter in the past with zero issues but it's a good 2 years at this point since I've used that particular soil and I guess it's gone bad. I appreciate the sound advice! I may just keep them in there for the hell of...
  12. mattman089

    When would you toss her?

    Planted 1 ea. of Blue Dream and Golden Goat mid March - 3/15. Golden Goat doing better than Blue Dream but still slow/small for being > than 1 month. Blue dream is the tiny one going on 1.5 months. So sad never had such slow growth like this before. At what point would you just say F it and...
  13. mattman089

    Ever see anything like this??? Re: Can soil go bad???!

    Hola cannabis friends... Hope everyone had a happy 420!!! I originally posted this in the main grow forum but didn't get many bites seeing if anyone has anything to add here.. The youngest one continues to grow as normal and is almost double in size in just 3 days since the photo was taken on...
  14. mattman089

    Ever see anything like this??? Re: Can soil go bad???!

    Ended up transplanting late last night. Hoping they respond well. Such an odd way to start :confused:
  15. mattman089

    Ever see anything like this??? Re: Can soil go bad???!

    You make a good point... I just assumed it worked before so why not now it's just soil lol.
  16. mattman089

    Ever see anything like this??? Re: Can soil go bad???!

    Hola cannabis friends... Hope everyone had a happy 420!!! I've got an odd situation going on here and wondering if anyone can lend some advice. I've got three plants going at the moment... The first two were planted over a month ago and are the ones on the bottom and upper right in the second...
  17. mattman089

    Wtf happened

    Gotta get the ph level right and back the lights off just my opinion