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  1. Bumping Spheda

    LED DIY : Making of a "DJ SET "-style grow led light .

    The central grill is redundant, imo. It will see very little air flow from what I can gather. Is this to hide/protect the internal wiring w/o locking in driver produced heat? Really liking the design, but +1 for a remote driver box.
  2. Bumping Spheda

    Best LED's for 2013

    $20k sounds extreme. Thought about Plasma?
  3. Bumping Spheda

    First time grower experimenting with cheap LEDs

    Goddamn, those are pretty shades of Green. So compact! Fuckin' :clap:... Seriously, if nothing else this is the cheapest, most baddest veg/mother light anybody could ask for, it's silly good. Cheers to it turning out to be more than just that. No one else "liked" that post? Shenanigans.
  4. Bumping Spheda

    Rp750 led

    CRI is sort of bullshit. It's a way of measuring how accurately a light source can render different colors relative to a true light source (such as the Sun). There's only a handful of colors that are tested, however, which makes it very easy for LED's using phosphor to match those colors and...
  5. Bumping Spheda

    Rp750 led

    Hell yeah, I'll be waiting... impatiently, I might add. I downloaded the spec sheet of the A-200 and don't see any info on their phosphor blend. You got -or know where to get- any technical info on these? Looking for spectral peaks in the Blue/Red ranges.
  6. Bumping Spheda

    First time grower experimenting with cheap LEDs

    I seriously hope these smd strips make his plants explode with nug, but good veg results are relatively easy compared to good flower results. I think it's a little too early to start up the band. Huuuuge thanks to Panelata for taking this one for the team, but I'd hold off on your purchase...
  7. Bumping Spheda

    Rp750 led

    Cool! There's an A-100, too, which might be cheaper overall (not likely). And here's another one: My guess is all three fixtures are waaay too expensive for my blood, I think I'm better off building my own RP spotlight. But if your friend's got one, hell yea, try it...
  8. Bumping Spheda

    building an LED, transformer question, ??

    On second thought, you could build an array around this PSU quite easily, I would imagine. I'm not exactly sure how to at the moment, but I'm guessing it will require 250W worth of LED (probably more so you don't run them at max current), some LED's in series and some in parallel (in order to...
  9. Bumping Spheda

    Astir Grow Led Panel Project...
  10. Bumping Spheda

    How to choose an led grow light.

    I think it's pretty easy to see how many kWh's go into a grow and how many grams come out. There recently was an HID vs LED thread. It was pretty close. I think it would have been even closer if popcorn had been accounted for. Obviously, though, power in => grams out isn't everything... I'm not...
  11. Bumping Spheda

    How to choose an led grow light.

    Hey, man. Here's the link that I remember reading on the subject of "LED vs HID efficiency." As for yield, if you get 1gpw with either HID or LED you're considered a good grower by most. Many LED panels emit enough IR light to be...
  12. Bumping Spheda

    How to choose an led grow light.

    Hey, I like the idea behind this. I think you should change the efficiency part on LED's, though, it's incorrect. It's the other way around, LED's are 15-20% efficient, not 80-85%. This means that LED's are on average about as efficient as HID (around 80% of energy goes to heat). LED drivers are...
  13. Bumping Spheda

    La Diva: Day 64-harvesting soon :)

    Holey moley, she esploded. Good stuff, mc.
  14. Bumping Spheda

    building an LED, transformer question, ??

    The spec sheet says output is 12VAC x 21A. I'm sure you could make an LED driver that's built around this thing, but I would not expect it to be any cheaper (or easier to acquire) than something already built around the power coming straight from the outlet. Cheers.
  15. Bumping Spheda

    For veg room, Mothership or Super UFO?

    The LED driver is similar in some respects to an HID ballast. Bit more efficient, fwiw. As for the cooling unit it's not a "cool tube," so much as a plethora of Aluminum fins all connected to Copper heat pipes and oriented in such a way that a single fan can blow air between them all. I suppose...
  16. Bumping Spheda

    For veg room, Mothership or Super UFO?

    Will do. Still working on funds, atm. Trying to seal the deal on the custom LED and driver right now, then I'll have to work on getting my hands on a ChromaLit lens, reflector, CPU cooler, and PSU for the fan which, altogether, is another $60+ I've got to come up with. As for tent height, I'm...
  17. Bumping Spheda

    Astir Grow Led Panel Project...
  18. Bumping Spheda

    For veg room, Mothership or Super UFO?

    As I understand LED's in parallel don't play well together, so in order to mediate this each row of chips has its own voltage regulator set at whatever the voltage demands of those chips are. I believe you're correct in assuming if one chip dies the other chips in series with it will fail as...
  19. Bumping Spheda

    For veg room, Mothership or Super UFO?

    Gonna be a one trick pony here and say look into these, they might interest you. Hopefully soon I'll have some experience with multichip LED's mated to CPU coolers so we can have some concrete results on the reliability (or lack thereof) in cooling these high power consumption LED's...
  20. Bumping Spheda

    What went wrong and will it bud...

    Ah, I got you. Limp cutting? Could have been mold/slime, or something. It can be hard to keep cuttings sanitary, especially in soil. Hydrogen Peroxide in very low doses can help. Looks like you're putting cuttings directly into soil? Maybe get some peat pucks, or rockwool cubes instead? And I'll...