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  1. TheDabWiz

    How does my first bagseed grow look ?

    Yup just wait a good 2 weeks n then start at half strength for the first week or so depending on how they respond. What nutes u plan on using?
  2. TheDabWiz

    PA Outdoor With TheWiz! 2016

    Awsome, usually update Sundays unless I'm doing something too them note worthy.
  3. TheDabWiz

    How does my first bagseed grow look ?

    Happy too help man
  4. TheDabWiz


    Looking good. Wish I was in a legal state. Pa just passed medical not long ago but doesn't allow growing or any dried flower. Bunch of dumb rules. And recreational i don't see coming anytime soon!
  5. TheDabWiz

    22 plants, need help on how much soil ?

    This ^. Dot get me wrong I've seen plants grow out in 3 gal but it def reduces yield n restricts how big them will get obviously. I'd say go at the very least 5 gallons each. I usually use 5 gal smart pots with great results. (Using them again this year along with a 15 gal too try out n n 3 in...
  6. TheDabWiz

    Soil for my outdoor plants?

    Will work just watch burnin them. For next time though u could just buy a bail of peatmoss, some perlite n vermiculite n mix it yourself. Ends up being cheap (for me atleast) to do it that way. Mixing ratio would be 50%peatmoss, 40% perlite, 10%vermiculite
  7. TheDabWiz

    How does my first bagseed grow look ?

    No problem man that's why we're here for. You should be able too find some now with that web address or ah the greenhouses. Lemme know if you do! If you find the right place U will get a good deal. I just got a 21lb bag (4 cubic feet) bag of horticultural perlite for $13 usd at a random...
  8. TheDabWiz

    How does my first bagseed grow look ?

    Ok I found a website, might have a directory for u too find some or someone that can ship it. I can only make out bits n pieces of the site so u will have too look it over. U don't want the filter kind or pool kind. Scroll down till u see the ones that say either "perlite til planter" or "...
  9. TheDabWiz

    How does my first bagseed grow look ?

    It might work if you can get small pieces too mix in with it. Will atleast help with your don't have any greenhouses or plant nurserys anywhere near you? Those are the places too ask people where too get whatever you need. Sometimes you get lucky n they will sell you some or...
  10. TheDabWiz

    PA Outdoor With TheWiz! 2016

    Picture time. I'll label the smart pots This one is the 15 gal. Rest are all 5 gal. And last but not least, this one is still in a 2 gal n will be in a 2x2 hole.
  11. TheDabWiz

    How does my first bagseed grow look ?

    What country u in? I'll do some research for ya
  12. TheDabWiz

    How does my first bagseed grow look ?

    Lookin good. Just a lil stretchy but nothing that can't be fixed. Like previous posts bury your stalks up as high as you can get them. They will grow more roots out of whatver got buried. As for perlite, u could go too walmart or lowes n just get the miracle grow brand perlite. It has a tiny bit...
  13. TheDabWiz

    PA Outdoor With TheWiz! 2016

    Ok so update today n tomorrow pics. Today I went out n it looked like the new tops grew about n inch over night. Did some transplanting today too start finishing them up. I now have 3 of them in 5 gal smart pots, 1 in a 15 gal smart pot (f they are anything like the #5's I'm in for a treat!)...
  14. TheDabWiz

    Need help..

    Someone's not gunna be happy u stealing their pics man....which one of your butt buddy's sent them too you?
  15. TheDabWiz

    Need help..

    Those are all google.....just drop it n stop tryin too act like a child. If it wasn't a copy n paste u woulda had them up a day ago.....
  16. TheDabWiz

    PA Outdoor With TheWiz! 2016

    There was a reason I had this in the OUTDOOR area....isn't a grow journal or I woulda put it here myself....
  17. TheDabWiz

    Need help..

    Figure that out all by yourself Sherlock Holmes?
  18. TheDabWiz

    Need help..

    Lol ok just Checking. Don't take it personally I just don't condone stealing plants is all but if they we're willingly given too you then cool beans bro! Lol
  19. TheDabWiz

    This plant did not look like this earlier this morning

    Yum! fried plants! I can smell them cooking from here
  20. TheDabWiz

    Need help..

    I mean you MIGHT have a chance but it would def effect your yield n stuff if it would live too finish out. Just gotta ask this but did you have permission too take those plants from the customers house?