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  1. O

    2 week old autos on track?

    Thanks. They were repotted on the 12th from Solo Cups. I use the clear ones and could see the root system was ready for a move. The pot mix dries out pretty quickly. The ones in back get about 2-3 gal total between the 3 of them every 3-4 days and that gives me a decent runoff. The autos are...
  2. O

    2 week old autos on track?

    Hi guys. This is my first auto grow. Seeds were sprouted around the 1st. Green-2 OG Kush Blue-3 Jack Herer Pink-3 Bubble gum. Was just wondering how they looked for their age? In soil/perlite. 3gal pots. 9" in diameter. Pay no attention to the 3 small bushes in the back :)
  3. O

    Top or FIM autos?

    Hi folks. First time growing autos and was wondering if you all top or Fim them? Just worried about recovery time affecting growth and such. Thanks!