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  1. asdewqasdfgh

    A couple of small problems in my room.. yellowing and curl leaf issues. Suggestions?

    all the photos have a green tinge to them, but from the looks of things you seem to have real healthy plants. as long as you water them accordingly and keep the ph levels ideal then theres nothing to worry about, ive seen plants produce bud under much worse conditions.
  2. asdewqasdfgh

    Growth stunted/ bottom leaves dark green with purple stems....

    they are nice and green so it doesnt appear to be a nute deficiency. im gonna guess they are getting too much water from the looks of the dropping leaves.
  3. asdewqasdfgh

    How Long To Re-Pot

    if you transplant correctly there should be no stress to the plant. just wait a day or 2 if you want to feel safe.
  4. asdewqasdfgh

    Do I need to buy pH Up as well as pH Down?

    thahts the sort of thinking i like because it can save me some money haha!
  5. asdewqasdfgh

    Expect growth spurt after correcting pH?

    Ok ive been growing for a month without testing my pH and its really showing in my node development. i finally broke down, bought a meter and upper and downer. after i get my pH in line should i expect some serious results or is there a point of no return?
  6. asdewqasdfgh

    Do I need to buy pH Up as well as pH Down?

    since marijuana likes soil a rather acidic, would it be necessary to spend the extra 10 dollars or so and buy a bottle of pH up? i need to save money everywhere i can.
  7. asdewqasdfgh

    My Nodes Are Too Close Together!

    the problem is that im using miracle grow soil and am weary about adding fertz just yet. and transplanting isnt an option right now. damn miracle grow, never again
  8. asdewqasdfgh

    My Nodes Are Too Close Together!

    i see your points, but i forgot to mention that the leaves are remarkably smaller than the others when they were the same age. also the set that came in before are all winkled and distorted. they are a bit small as well
  9. asdewqasdfgh

    My Nodes Are Too Close Together!

    im thinking its a zinc deficiency and its getting locked out by hi pH. is there something household i could use to lower my pH until i can order some uppers and downers?
  10. asdewqasdfgh

    My Nodes Are Too Close Together!

    My 3 plants are all about a month old. the 4th nodes are growing in very close to the branches below them. the plants dont seem to be growing very tall but the fan leaves are growing very large. i have 4 CFLs equalling 80 watts, soon to be upgraded to 108 watts. i dont have a ph tester so ive...
  11. asdewqasdfgh

    What can i expect to yeild plz inform

    it CAN yield that much. if you veg it for long enough any plant can produce an enormous amount of buds. in a space that small, i wouldnt anticipate getting 500 grams. just veg it till its half the height of your room, throw it into 12/12 watch it flourish.
  12. asdewqasdfgh

    Top bud leaves browning and dying.

    dude youre so close to harvest, i would lay off of the nutes and start flushing.
  13. asdewqasdfgh

    What can i expect to yeild plz inform

    you should get a pretty good yield. id guess around somewhere between 1 and 2 ounces
  14. asdewqasdfgh

    High blodd presure and alzheimer's??

    i dont think any actual medical benefits will come from smoking other that what it creates in your mind. if they want to smoke marijuana or ingest it somehow and it makes them feel better throughout the day then there you go. they just have to try it. but you are on the right track with trying a...
  15. asdewqasdfgh

    info on where to buy seeds??

    i dont buy seeds online because it is too risky in my opinion. but my friend successfully received a shipment from ive also heard nothing but good things from just go to and look for the section on good seed websites.
  16. asdewqasdfgh

    7 Days in the dark!!

    wow man 7 days is a long time. i dont think your chances of having hermies goes up too much because after the lights came back on they were on their normal schedule. one time i had to stash a pot with a 3 day old seedling in a closet for 2 days. nothing but darkness. i brought it out after the...
  17. asdewqasdfgh

    i could use some advice

    may need some more pics, but theres a few things that i can see that may be wrong. one, there doesnt appear to be perlite in your "soil" so the water you put it isnt draining very well which will cause mold. also, if you do not have a fan blowing air around your pot then you may encounter mold...