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  1. badmojo420

    Opium Questions

    i smoked shit tons of sticky black opium out of my bong. its not a waste. press out a little pancake and put it on top of a snapper and rip it. just make sure you arent using too much opi that its not fully burned before you snap your rip. try smoking it on hot knives too
  2. badmojo420

    social heroin use

    impossible, there is no such thing as social or moderation of heroin use. you are either a junkie or not, and if your not then you probably will be sooner or later.
  3. badmojo420

    potatoe growing ????

    use an old aluminum trash can to grow your potatoes. when its time to harvest just tip it over
  4. badmojo420

    Canary reed Grass (Phalaris Grass)

    the irony kills me.
  5. badmojo420

    What is going on with my plant?

    could be wrong but it looks like a zinc deficiency among others
  6. badmojo420

    First grow need help

    looks time for a 1/4 strength feeding
  7. badmojo420

    PLant problems in flower

    they look over fed, flush well then back of about 75% of what the instructions say. after you give it nutes the next time you water just use plain water with no nutes, then feed it again next time if it needs it. you might want to transplant into some better soil too. if you cant find or afford...
  8. badmojo420

    how should i check if my clone has rooted?

    Im gonna wait a few more days for the root system to get better established before transplanting. thanks for everyones input!
  9. badmojo420

    how should i check if my clone has rooted?

    i just tipped the cup and sure enough just as i thought theres several roots of a fairly decent size growing but not enough to hold the soil together so my next question is how big of a root ball does a clone need to be transplanted in soil?
  10. badmojo420

    how should i check if my clone has rooted?

    its in a red solo cup 1/3rd filled with coco fiber (for seed starting) and inside a zip loc bag and has not been treated with root hormone. its been 12 days since its been cut (accidentally broken actually lol) and it has a bit of new growth. since its in a red cup i cant exactly see if its...
  11. badmojo420

    Clone Leaves Canoeing

    Its just one leaf, one of the lower leaves. The cutting I have is bagseed and is the top main cola stem I accidentally broke off and decided to try cloning. I take it outside its cloner (ziploc bag lol) once a day for 15 minutes or so for fresh air. Its cloning in soil, with no root hormone...
  12. badmojo420

    Has anyone used eagle20???

    if youre already flowering i wouldnt use it and keep it organic. keep using neem oil to keep it under control (if thats possible for you) and when youre ready to harvest you can wash off the PM by bathing your fresh cut buds in a bath of water and hydrogen peroxide (roughly one cup 3% peroxide...
  13. badmojo420

    How Does my plant look

    any plant can have that potential IF the genetics will allow it and the grower has the proper knowledge and most importantly the EQUIPMENT to handle it. he doesnt. i offered him advice on what book to buy and what lights to use. he doesnt have proper lighting, using bad soil and nutrients, etc...
  14. badmojo420

    How Does my plant look

    someone who doesnt want to waste their time growing a stretched out plant to 6 feet to get a decent yield.
  15. badmojo420

    How Does my plant look

    yeah, now i would definitely scrap and start over with the proper soil and proper lights. save up a couple hundred bucks and buy an HID, preferablly a HPS (high pressure sodium) or move your plants outdoors. if youre going to do it you may as well do it correctly with proper equipment. you're...
  16. badmojo420

    Stop!!!! Quit mixing your seeds!!! Valuable info!!!

    was it really necessary to rez a dead thread with inaccurate information?
  17. badmojo420

    How Does my plant look

    id kill them and start over with better lights, or at least have them much, much closer. just my opinion... i wouldnt waste my time or enegry with those scraggly looking plants.
  18. badmojo420

    Some help with cloning

    So i accidentally broke the main stem of my plant about 8 nodes up. I put some soil in a solo (party cup) cup about half way and put my stem that i broke off in there. its been in for 48 hours now and it still looks really healthy, nothings drooping, no yellowing etc.. i cut the tips off all the...
  19. badmojo420

    Young Plant Issues

    again, i could be wrong, but i dont think you should flush (unless the problem gets dire.. they arent in bad shape yet) because miracle grow is time released (maybe thats just the soil?) and the more water you give it the more it will release. either way, id cool it on any nutes. you shouldnt...
  20. badmojo420

    Young Plant Issues

    i could be wrong but a plant that age doesnt need any nutes. miracle grow is bad news anyways.