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  1. greenpower000

    *Makin' bacon with kottonmouth*

    just updated with a few pics .. pop on over when ya get a free min guys !!!
  2. greenpower000

    Thursday Night Chop Down!

    just updated journal guys ... feel free to pop on over !
  3. greenpower000

    Thursday Night Chop Down!

    + rep on the avatar !!!!! lololol
  4. greenpower000

    KonaGirl420 1st Grow All By Myself

    quite ... lol.... I saw the first page and didn't even bother to to see if it was done... (just followed the link in the sig) ... lol .... I will have to go read threw and see the final product !!! When is the next grow Kona ? Keep em green and strong !!!! GP
  5. greenpower000

    530 Watt CFL Grow ( Bag Seed Cup Grow)

    They are growing so fucking fast .... I love it !!!! Well there they are guys !!!! Lets hope for huge single colas !!!!!! .. no LST this time... just straight and narrow !!!! hopefully i can keep them outta the lights. I'm thinking about raising the 130 Watt fixture to the top for top growth...
  6. greenpower000

    your inbox is full ! lol.

    your inbox is full ! lol.
  7. greenpower000

    BKB's 2nd Grow

    Hell YEA !!!!!!! I'm up for it... updating pics right now !!!!!
  8. greenpower000

    530 Watt CFL Grow ( Bag Seed Cup Grow)

    Thanks bro !!!!! I feel so much more accomplished .... this grow is going great.... besides that last little misshap with the molasses.... i will take a few pics here soon up to 6 Fems ..... and waiting on 2 more..... my fuck around cup that had two in it ended up both being males.... i wold...
  9. greenpower000

    *Makin' bacon with kottonmouth*

    damn.... wish i could char some chickens with you guys !!!!! Eat a few legs fo rme .. and smoke a HUGE FAT ASS BLUNT for the RIU crew !!!!
  10. greenpower000

    530 Watt CFL Grow ( Bag Seed Cup Grow)

    Here is an update... took some pics while lights were out. :weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed: The ladies !!!! (WOOO HOOOO !!!) I'm glad i have at least 4 !!! And there tops..... don't know why.. but .. herer they are...
  11. greenpower000

    BKB's 2nd Grow

    Snuck in and took some pics while lights were out... updating in 5 min.
  12. greenpower000

    BKB's 2nd Grow

    Those roots trip me out very healthy in-deed !!!! <bows to the master !>
  13. greenpower000

    BKB's 2nd Grow

    Hell yea bro !!!!!!
  14. greenpower000

    530 Watt CFL Grow ( Bag Seed Cup Grow)

    so ...... just a little update .... Body count as of right now ..... 4 Fems...... and a bunch of ... well... lets hope fems..... I have chopped 5 males so far.... got 8 more to wait on. i know already a couple of them are males... i have seen that all to familiar is it a pre flower ... or a...
  15. greenpower000

    *Makin' bacon with kottonmouth*

    my GOD this is go genus !!!!!! Way more efficient..... fo sho.
  16. greenpower000

    530 Watt CFL Grow ( Bag Seed Cup Grow)

    that would be schweet... wonder if it turned it into a zombie ...he he he he he
  17. greenpower000

    Thursday Night Chop Down!

    Sweet mother of god !!!!!! <ggooo gooo gaaa gaaa ... droooollll>
  18. greenpower000

    530 Watt CFL Grow ( Bag Seed Cup Grow)

    im so broke, and wish i had some smoke... man what i wouldn't give to snap my fingers and the ladies were grown and dried and cures .... lol.. skip the months of waiting ... lol .... ah... ..... to be stoned... what a novel idea ... he he he
  19. greenpower000

    530 Watt CFL Grow ( Bag Seed Cup Grow)

    i will keep that in mind ! Thx man !!!
  20. greenpower000

    530 Watt CFL Grow ( Bag Seed Cup Grow)

    yea, they were a little droopy ... had to water them tonight ... i may have been over watering them... I'm heavy handed with the water. I water till a little run off comes out the bottom.. but in 2 days they are almost dead dry.....