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    Help! Gold tinges on leaves

    Ok thanks - I’ll try giving a more regular nutrient feeding, however I’m conscious about making sure the roots don’t get too soggy... the substrate takes a few days to dry out in growing conditions of the tent.

    Help! Gold tinges on leaves

    Ok thanks, I'll take that into consideration. Would love to hear other opinions too...

    Help! Gold tinges on leaves

    Inoculating is when you add mycorrhizal fungi. I'm definitely not watering with nutrients daily. Probably once a week or once a fortnight. Maybe something to do with Mg? Would you suggest a different nutrient regime? And definitely not dry. Any chance you can hazard a guess, even with this...

    Freakshow cuttings looking super sad!

    Hi again, Newbie here and damn I'm probably going to learn some tough lessons pretty quickly: I was given fairly rudimentary 'Freakshow' cuttings nearly 3 weeks ago and they are looking like a dogs breakfast. Used some clonex on the cut petiole, and was told to just put them straight into...

    Help! Gold tinges on leaves

    Hi all, Newish grower here, this be 5-7 week old 'The Doctor', poor girl has had a rough trot, but her newest ailment seems to be these gold-ish tinges on her leaves. Was thinking maybe it was wind burn? But perhaps it's a nutrient deficiency. Growing in Organic Coco Coir, and have inoculated...