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  1. istoned

    Lower leaves yellowing with brown patches, Help

    Okay thanks for the advice, I'll update the post in a few days.
  2. istoned

    Lower leaves yellowing with brown patches, Help

    Should I keep my PH at 6.2 though with some PH up?
  3. istoned

    Lower leaves yellowing with brown patches, Help

    I'm trying to keep the containers small for the next month so theyre easier to transport to where they will stay til they die.
  4. istoned

    Lower leaves yellowing with brown patches, Help

    Okay I just picked up some perlite, some 1.5 gal containers and some Cal-Max. Should I transplant before doing the nutrients? or do nutrients, wait 3 days and then transplant? I'll mix some perlite in for better drainage. And if I don't use distilled water how much Cal-Max should I add? It says...
  5. istoned

    Lower leaves yellowing with brown patches, Help

    They were on 10ml/gallon before flush, should I go up to 15ml/gallon?
  6. istoned

    Lower leaves yellowing with brown patches, Help

    Okay thanks, I just flushed them yesterday.. Should I wait until they fully dry again before upping the nutes? Or will they get worse while waiting?
  7. istoned

    Lower leaves yellowing with brown patches, Help

    Okay thanks, do I add Perlite to the bottom? Or just mix it in as well as I can?
  8. istoned

    Lower leaves yellowing with brown patches, Help

    Okay thanks for the 2 quick replies. It doesn't have cal/mag in it. Should I buy some to add to it? I have noticed that even when the top inch of soil is dry the bags are still pretty heavy.. Should I add some extra holes for...
  9. istoned

    Carbon Filter Size, Help Needed

    Okay thanks for the great answers psilocybindude! I didn't even think about that Y duct causing problems, I'll just separate them.
  10. istoned

    Carbon Filter Size, Help Needed

    With the 6inch fan, 6inch filter and speed controller.
  11. istoned

    Carbon Filter Size, Help Needed

    Okay so would work? Or would I need a larger filter?
  12. istoned

    Lower leaves yellowing with brown patches, Help

    Hey all, this is my first grow and I have 6 plants growing from seed (feminized white widow and critical). I will be choosing 2 to 4 to keep as mothers. They started under T5s and are now under a 400 watt metal halide light. They're 6 weeks old now. I've been watering when the top inch of soil...
  13. istoned

    Carbon Filter Size, Help Needed

    Come on share your knowledge! I'm not afraid of criticism, as long as I learn something :)
  14. istoned

    Carbon Filter Size, Help Needed

    Hey all, I'm currently in the process of constructing my first grow tent. It's set up in a basement where the temperature stays around 21 C throughout the year. I'll be building a tent because I will not be using the whole basement. My plan is to build a frame out of 2x4s and plywood, and then...