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  1. G

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Nothing vague about saying help when times are good and look after your own country when times are bad. It’s a simple construct that holds true and is the reason the west is, or at least once was prosperous. When you use your taxes to benefit your own people your country grows and flourishes...
  2. G

    Is Biden really that bad?

    ^^ lives in grandmas basement, pays no rent, doesn’t buy own groceries, doesn’t cook or clean up after oneself, has audacity to tell everyone they can do more to help everyone
  3. G

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Happy growing
  4. G

    Is Biden really that bad?

    You actually think I have emotional triggers to this lmao, I’m coming at yuh with Spock like precision and your panties are so bunched up your resorting to playground tactics. The only emotion your invoking is humour
  5. G

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Afraid that your rose coloured glasses are becoming clear. Pathetic to never expand one’s views. By the way I once thought like you until I realized it’s not sustainable nor practical. You haven’t reached that point in life though, one day you’ll realize everything can’t be daisies and sunshine
  6. G

    Is Biden really that bad?

    And that’s exactly why your rebuttals are worthless. You can’t take enough time to read 30 seconds of text and respond logically.
  7. G

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Completely agree with less missiles etc, don’t think it’s our place to go in anywhere at any time playing world police. You protect your own borders and share when you can, when things hit a rough patch you maintain your own citizens until bad times are good again then be philanthropic. None of...
  8. G

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Lol for saying give when times are good and look after your own when times are bad? Nothing I’ve said is hypocritical in anyway, I’ve maintained the same stance throughout. I’ve acknowledged no one wants to see people live in shit, but do you want to keep giving to countries and inflating debt...
  9. G

    Is Biden really that bad?

    I’m not, I’m willing to help when my times are good, when I’m feeling a pinch I look after my own because the ones I’ve helped don’t often return the favour because they squandered the generosity given and they themselves are at the same time lookin for more help again. That’s exactly my point...
  10. G

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Exactly what a hypocrite would say, my point validated yet again. Oh the bleeding heart left, so self righteous until it’s time to pay the bill on their own dime. Be gone with your inferior rock hard dry brain
  11. G

    What do think?

  12. G

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Then read it lazy ass. Though we all know you did and just won’t admit to the fact you’re taking care of what’s yours because you already did your good deeds and because others saw it they’re coming to you for more handouts when you’re not in a place to be generous anymore. Point proven, you’re...
  13. G

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Nope, my ideology is that when times are good you be philanthropic, when times are not you take care of your own first. let’s break this down to something we can probably all relate to: You’re having the best grow of your life, you’re three weeks from harvest. You suddenly get a spider mite...
  14. G

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Yup, no one wants to see people live in shit, but something tells me at no point are you willing to give away everything you have to trade places with the ones your ideology wants to uplift
  15. G

    Is Biden really that bad?

    You’re grasping at straws to dodge the logic behind the analogy. I mean you keep bashing anyone opposed to your views but like so many like minded as you, you ignore and deflect the truth to perpetuate your self appointed moral authority. Everything I said is perfectly logical and I’m sure it...
  16. G

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Looks it’s all fine and dandy to want to help, but let’s use the home analogy for arguments sake. If you start seeing black mold on your foundation are you going to spend the money on remediating it to make sure you and yours don’t get sick and you and yours remain in good health, or are you...
  17. G

    Is Biden really that bad?

    No not really see I’m more pro get your own house in order before trying to fix the community
  18. G

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Yup it will but it’s a true democracy if everyone’s voicing their opinions consistently. I’d rather decide I’m willing to spend my taxes on 40 billion of aid to a war I have no stake in than have it forcefully directed there when I’d rather it stay here
  19. G

    Seeded flower.. Help please

    Congrats, you’re now a prime candidate to make BHO or rosin if seedy weeds a turn off for yuh. Hell even grab bubble bags and make some IWH.
  20. G

    Stay away from ILGM!!!!!!!

    Yeah I soak em for 15 hours then paper towel too, problem I had was planted tap root, seed shell too hard for initial leaf swell to crack open. Tap shrivelled just outside shell and while root looked okay the leaves died inside the pod which refused to open like normal