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  1. DrunkenRampage

    V Day Plans

    My woman wants me to bring her to an indoor shooting range, cant go shooting in the pits with four feet of snow and the neighbors don't like me unloading off the deck anymore....
  2. DrunkenRampage

    I am doing a survey

    In the 33 club
  3. DrunkenRampage

    shot in the back!

    If you shoot them in the leg they sue and haunt you the rest of your life. Always double tap to the chest and one in the face to avoid this.
  4. DrunkenRampage

    Seed starting trick ......Share if u got any

    Heating pad and dome, insert seed pointy end up in dirt, water, transplant.
  5. DrunkenRampage

    Haze, Kush, Skunk, etc. What's the difference?

    I get asked all the time what strains i grow, i always reply "greenbud"
  6. DrunkenRampage

    Cloning From A Stressed (Hermie) Mother Plant

    Thanks man. I grew some random seeds from a farm and stressed her out, she is almost all purple and i dont wanna loose the strain
  7. DrunkenRampage

    Cloning From A Stressed (Hermie) Mother Plant

    I have the same exact question as the OP did, unfortunately out of all the replies not one answer that pertains to what he was asking.
  8. DrunkenRampage

    Purple suger leaves second week of flower

    Anybody know if this is a problem or a strain thing?
  9. DrunkenRampage

    Combat Veteran Music

  10. DrunkenRampage

    Combat Veteran Music

    Is the manufacturer Colt or Springfield armory? Weapons were pretty impossible to get home from my tours i had a full auto ak i paid 100$ from an iraqi police man, had to ditch it. Now im stuck with my civilian model i built myself
  11. DrunkenRampage

    Combat Veteran Music

    Nice salmon man!
  12. DrunkenRampage

    Clover leaves on my plant's

  13. DrunkenRampage

    Broken stalk help please

    Last time i broke one i used a wooden bbq skewer, wrapped it with toilet paper and wet the wrapping with suger water. It hardens up like paper mache and when the plant outgrows it it just breaks away and falls off.
  14. DrunkenRampage

    Was Santa good to you?

    Oh, and an empty wallet
  15. DrunkenRampage

    Was Santa good to you?

    An 18 piece block of Wusthof knives, a paper towel holder, a ripple roll of papper towels, some shooting zombie targets, some Airwalk house slippers, a 25$ gift card to the hydro shop, a 50$ grocery card, and the woman let me give her anal
  16. DrunkenRampage

    What kind of weed is this

    It's a government introduced strain, the super supreme hypohermieharvest, a trannie not to be reckoned with, originally spawned by Adolf Hitler himself and toked upon by famous dictators such as Castro Stalin, and even Ho Chi Minh was known to congregate for communist consumption of this...
  17. DrunkenRampage

    Can you say outdoor GreenHouse bug Fest?

    Yes gas is explosive, thats why smart rednecks use diesel fuel to start bonfires.
  18. DrunkenRampage


    Actually there is nothing illegal about purchasing firearms as a cannabis user, no laws yet pertaining to private sales, which are the sales i like anyways no paper work involved. You are however commiting a felony buying from any authorized FFl dealer who by federal law is required to provide...