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    Please look! Help?

    Not sure what you mean by EC. Thanks for the answer and good information. I do have another one of those lights and another one on the way. Should i put the 3rd light in there right now?
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    Please look! Help?

    Any idea or are they good to go?
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    Please look! Help?

    I use fox farms ocean forest soil, i give them 18 hours of light on and 6 off. 2 1000watt lights for 13 plants. I water every 3 days and most the time i use some fox farms grow big and big bloom as schedule says. I have a fan to circulate the air in my tent
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    Please look! Help?

    just curious as to if any of these are bad signs and what to do to fix it. My plants have been growing very slow and some of the little ones just are not doing much of anything at all and i has been quite a while... starting to feel they won't get any bigger. Any tips or any idea? Half of them...
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    HELP Grow light was off for 18 hours

    will my plants start budding or can i bring them back to normal light schedule? I accidently left the lights off for 18 hours and the parts where they bud are really green now. Please help. I hope i do not have to bud them.
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    How to raise my ph level? Please help

    I tested it in different soils and it changed. I have a couple leafes that are yellow tipped. But besides that not anything else. Just wanna make sure and be safe. This is my first grow ever.
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    How to raise my ph level? Please help

    Let me kniw what ya think. Thanks.
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    How to raise my ph level? Please help

    This is the one i bought. By all means if there is a more efficent one let me know. I use fox farms ocean forrest soil
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    How to raise my ph level? Please help

    how do i raise the ph level in my soil. Just got a tester today and it is reading 4. I do believe it is suppose to be in between 6-7? Please any advice.
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    It's okay after some research and feeling the leafs i was able to figure it out and acted fast. Truly a blessing they are coming back to me!
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    One is still really bad but they did indeed get better. They were thirsty i guess. Drainage was awful!
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    I actually saved them lol. They were unerwatered
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    The dirt is bone dry but i sprayed them with water the past few days... Not sure what to do wow
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    Real question is are they over watered or under watered? The soil is super dry? Please help.
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    Can i hopefully fix some of these by adding stuff for drainage and less water? I pray i can. 1 hole in each cup
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    Possible to fix them? If so what can i do please?
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    Fox farms ocean forest. Cups are light and feel dry. I did water those ones a few days in a row for some odd reason thinking since they were in the cups they weren't getting much water but it looks as if it was too much. The main stem feels dry but the others feel and look wet. I hope they come...
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    Is this a sign of to much water? What can i do? Will they be okay? Please help
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    A couple plants are drooping.

    I water them every 2-3 days. I hope they will be okay i just purchased a fan for the tent.