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  1. HazyEyes

    Bagseed - Midgrade - 1st real attempt - March 22

    yea for 7 days keep that bitch under water just plant tap water and make sure to change the water out every day because ur trying to get all the chemicals and shit out of her by doing this aswell the water gets a tint to it. and no i have not tried it yet but i will be doing it on my harvest...
  2. HazyEyes

    Bagseed - Midgrade - 1st real attempt - March 22

    The water cure has only recently come to light as a widely accepted form of curing. Water curing uses osmosis to flush out the chemicals, chlorophyl, pesticides, pests, and anything else you would rather not be smoking. The water cure is also very fast (about 7 days) with optimal quality (as...
  3. HazyEyes

    VV is singing the blues. From seed to Perpetual Weed.

    A it saves your back :mrgreen:
  4. HazyEyes

    My Current set up: journal?

    Powdery mildew is one of the most widespread and easily recognized plant diseases. Powdery mildews are most severe when the weather is warm and dry, and they affect virtually all kinds of plants: cereals and grasses...
  5. HazyEyes

    My Current set up: journal? here u go i love this thread
  6. HazyEyes

    Dirtbags Green Thumb, Wait?....that's A Bugger!!! -Cloned ToO Stoned-

    THC have you ever tried water curing??? if all thats for ur personal use u might wana try it less cure time more potent but this method does tend to decrease overall weight of the bud just asking bud... dont bite my head off:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
  7. HazyEyes

    Dirtbags Green Thumb, Wait?....that's A Bugger!!! -Cloned ToO Stoned-

    Nice THC real nice am about to start feeding my babies ill be back with updates and pictures.:mrgreen:
  8. HazyEyes

    "Applejuice" It's Not Just For Baby !!!

    WOOT its ALIVE!!!!!! so you going to send me a little sample of her to try out THC?? i realy want some apple bud:mrgreen: she is looking soooo god do man great job
  9. HazyEyes

    My Current set up: journal?

    Hempy Bucket are the shit never tried it but have donw alot of reading up on it i will probaly do this method for my next op.:blsmoke:
  10. HazyEyes

    What Could Be Wrong????

    Flush i think it maybe a nute burn i realy cant tell without pictures.
  11. HazyEyes

    Dirtbags Green Thumb, Wait?....that's A Bugger!!! -Cloned ToO Stoned-

    THC nice man looks realy good and clean :blsmoke: and those little babies are realy starting to take off.
  12. HazyEyes

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    WoW looks realy nice man u got ur shit done ....HERE COMES THE BUDS
  13. HazyEyes

    HazyEyes grow journal from begin to end

    HAHAHA Grmman i love the avatar brro shits sweet
  14. HazyEyes

    HazyEyes grow journal from begin to end

    WOw i just noticed i only have 51 days of flower, well thats all i can have i have to leave june 18 to go to turkey!! soo fuck do you think that will be enought i hope so i think the mids will finish by then but i dont know about the others:cry::cry:
  15. HazyEyes

    HazyEyes grow journal from begin to end

    This is my jouranl haha i can put anything i wany on here so here is a post dedicated to Ming+FS what a great band haha EVERYONE ONE MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO AND LIKE IT OR BE BANISHED FROM THIS JOURNAL FOR AS LONG AS THERE IS GANJA ON THIS PLANT!!!:blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke: YouTube - ming and...
  16. HazyEyes

    Dirtbags Green Thumb, Wait?....that's A Bugger!!! -Cloned ToO Stoned-

    HAHAHA those cookies look like a cross of half dog and princess Laya with those buns on her head,,,,, but i woud eat those buns:mrgreen:
  17. HazyEyes

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    I see i am a little late ill stfu and take my seat.
  18. HazyEyes

    HazyEyes grow journal from begin to end

    Yea i know bro shit realy blows but am on for 3 years well a little under 2 right now but i got a cool ass PO hejust made it so i only have to see him every 3 months so that helps me out. Xanax?? i never did that shit man onyl pills i ever did were 80 mg Oxycoton and Pricks and have not had any...
  19. HazyEyes

    Dirtbags Green Thumb, Wait?....that's A Bugger!!! -Cloned ToO Stoned-

    "SHE SMOKES SMOOTH, BEN TOLD ITS LIKE "HERION" LOL" Lol wow thats some powerfully shit man, i just got done watching American Gangster ... u wana talk about some herion haha. But the clones look GREAT, good job man glad to see ur not just sitting on ur ass all day. muahaha:roll: