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  1. PeyoteReligion

    Club 600 NFL 2013

    Unfortunatley the colts dont look too bad either. Go Hawks!
  2. PeyoteReligion

    ramen noodles what is your fave

    Chicken hearts
  3. PeyoteReligion

    rollitup and jealous girlfriends

    You should make her go to the kitchen to make your favorite meal; Top Ramen. Herp derp
  4. PeyoteReligion

    ramen noodles what is your fave

    You could get a life? Learn grammar and punctuation maybe, you know, basic communication skills. You know, productive shit.
  5. PeyoteReligion

    Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

    ...slowly backs away from thread...
  6. PeyoteReligion

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Without fail... Lol!
  7. PeyoteReligion

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Ancient aliens is fake and lame. Haven't seen Prometheus yet, but I'd reccomend it over that AA crap anytime. 99% of what they talk about they are intentionally misleading and lying to the viewer. Simple fact checking shows that literally a vast majority of what they tell you is wrong, its not...
  8. PeyoteReligion

    Out of control!

    They need more space to grow...
  9. PeyoteReligion

    Help me rest easy...

    1) You will notice that it's a male before it drops pollen. It will look like balls... 2) Once you notice balls it's only a week or two into flowering and it will start dropping its jizz. No premature male flowers won't be a harm as long as you remove it promptly. Just be sure to wait until you...
  10. PeyoteReligion

    Tabbaco Trichomes is this real ??? Experts advise need :P

    Trichomes are just outgrowths or appendages growing from the epidermis or outer cellular wall of plants and protists. Examples are hairs, glandular hairs, scales, papillae, and even cactus spines.
  11. PeyoteReligion

    trimming foods

    I could not live with that being a daily thing. The tolerance for heat in the mouths rises, and becomes less painful. The asshole burn never truly goes away. But then again I'm an alcoholic and my shit is explosive as it is. Oops didn't mean to turn this to a shit thread, again. But with...
  12. PeyoteReligion

    trimming foods

    Hot hot hot hot hot hot hot!!!
  13. PeyoteReligion

    trimming foods

    Gotta make spicy jerky, so gives a nice kick in the nuts. Always gives me a boost of energy when my mouth is on fire.
  14. PeyoteReligion

    goverment shutdown

    The sky is falling...
  15. PeyoteReligion

    Club 600 NFL 2013

    Damn NO's offense sure looks scary, good thing when the Hawks play them it's up here at the nest. But man, if they can get the ball movin on the ground, they stand a good chance no matter where they go.
  16. PeyoteReligion

    Club 600 NFL 2013

  17. PeyoteReligion

    Club 600 NFL 2013

    Lol Shermans shoe came off!