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  1. M


    question Can I use a extractor fan and a normal fan in a 60x60 120cm grow tent and a 600w led fir ventilation system for 3 plants? First time grow
  2. M

    Wilted clones from sun ☀️ damage any suggestions??

    The jiffys they are in are very moist not dripping wet but moist they are starting to look alot better now
  3. M

    Wilted clones from sun ☀️ damage any suggestions??

    She was grown outside I am going to put her under a 600w in 2 weeks time along with the clones if they all survive 2 of the clones have perked back up
  4. M

    Wilted clones from sun ☀️ damage any suggestions??

    I've dried the dome out and put them back in the dome and I have put the out of the sun
  5. M

    Wilted clones from sun ☀️ damage any suggestions??

    W have perked back up but 3 are wilted I cut fan leaves of 2 of them and they have slowly perked back up
  6. M

    Wilted clones from sun ☀️ damage any suggestions??

    I cloned my mother plant yesterday she was in good condition I took 5 clones of her all from the mid to bottom area I did the whole 45 degree cut dipped them in clonex and placed them into jiffys and put them in home made domes made out of plastic bottles. They seemed very well and happy untill...