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  1. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    Odds of both a condom and bc failing simultaneously is an extremely thin margin. Not to say it’s not possible but if both sides are playing defence then there’s not much chance of scoring a goal
  2. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    You can look at it the same as drunk drivers who hit a pedestrian or another car and seriously injure or kill them, we don’t give them a free pass for doing something idiotic, why should we give irresponsible women a free pass to kill an innocent life because they wanted to get off
  3. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    Should be readily available. Crushing skulls and tearing apart limbs with forceps ripping a body apart shouldn’t be necessary unless that life will suffer traumatically from medical problems or endangers the mothers existence. If they’re aborting because they weren’t being smart and being on the...
  4. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    Acceptable practice is if the fetus has life altering deformations or the mothers life is jeopardized from foreseeable complications. Unfortunately there’s a ton of women that use it because I got drunk I don’t know who the dad is and I don’t want to raise a kid alone on my own dime without...
  5. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    Totally fine with my hypocritical excerpt there. The fact remains not a single liberal or democrat has acknowledged that contraceptives should be the primary go to for preventing pregnancy and that women share equal responsibility to practice this due diligence. By liberal logic no one should be...
  6. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    If that’s their due diligence to prevent unwanted pregnancy at least they’re doing something proactive about their safe sex. That’s all I’m sayin, they have their equal responsibility in the act, they can prevent unwanted pregnancy
  7. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    Again you’ve proved my point emphatically about your lack of critical thinking and logically flawed ideals with resorting to hurling insults because you’re unable to negate the fact of women aren’t wanting to become pregnant they should be seeking out one of their numerous forms of birth control...
  8. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    Not really no, do as you want but do it responsibly. There’s no downside to telling the female population they are responsible for themselves too. It actually perpetuates the advancement of equality instead of just blaming men for every outcome. Responsibility falls on everyone’s shoulders
  9. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    I’m curious to see the next one, given libs lost all their support in Ontario which determines the overall country it’s pretty safe to say no one likes liberal policy anymore
  10. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    If a gambler loses all their money you’ll say well they did it to themselves so no pity but a woman gambles on not getting knocked up and it’s pity party galore. It’s all about taking responsibility for your actions, it’s time to acknowledge it’s not 1922, they’ve had option for decades, use them
  11. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    Hmm, she didn’t want to get pregnant she had options to prevent that. She didn’t use them she bears the consequences of her actions. He bears it financially if he doesn’t step up to be a dad but if she didn’t want to bring a life to the world she shoulda been on birth control instead of rolling...
  12. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    I’m Canadian that’s not my leader. I’m saying it’s finally better to acknowledge the fact that women have responsibility to prevent themselves from getting pregnant if they don’t want to be pregnant that’s exactly what overturning Roe v. Wade does. It says hey use one of your numerous...
  13. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    At no point have I said don’t have sex, said pick one of their 7 some odd options and go to town. Being smart and getting laid vs being an idiot and getting laid and having an unplanned pregnancy are two very different things. If you have the means to avoid getting knocked up when you don’t want...
  14. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    Sounds to me like you just wanna tell your next lay to get an abortion rather than man up and be a dad when you have a whoops moment
  15. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    Yeah I’m all done, I’ve got my little one and that was enough for me so I went under the knife. The old lady was cool with it and all is good. But before we had her I used domes and she was on the pill and there were never any close calls. It’s that simple, act responsibly and you don’t have...
  16. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    Nah, they haven’t in the least. That’s a far cry by any means. The court has removed itself from an issue that divides nearly half the country and said we’re not going to aid in your whoops i fucked up better vacuum it out solution. All they did was basically say look, there are tons of ways not...
  17. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    Lol dude no one was ever trying to sell people on not fucking, all I ever said was chicks can act responsibly and use one of the many forms of birth control available to them if they don’t wanna get pregnant. I’m all for people getting their jollies, just made the point women gotta take...
  18. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    Everything and everyone*** sorry, chemdogs making the brain foggy
  19. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    8 months ago they’re out there preaching kill the unvaxxed, get your shot do as I and your government say, your bodily autonomy does not matter!!! As of Friday… the government has no right to take away your bodily autonomy!! They’re taking us back to the dark ages!!! Women aren’t smart enough to...
  20. G

    Roe v Wade overturned, the murder of the unborn is back to the states

    Odds of both failing simultaneously is pretty low. But hey I guess you’re a genius with an answer to everything. Good night doorknob