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  1. neef

    Neef’s first attempt at No-Till

    Here’s updates pics of the garden after being transplanted into the living soil. The last 2 pics are of leaves that I thought were potassium deficient so I fed them a tea with kelp meal and molasses but it seems the leaves are getting worse. Is this a rookie mistake? The first pic of the fan...
  2. neef

    Neef’s first attempt at No-Till

    I’ve got a urban worm bag going right now and they seem to love it figured I could transfer some of the population over to the plants. Can you go overkill on the amount of worms you use? Unfortunately the plants took off and would be interfering with each other to much for my liking if I were to...
  3. neef

    Neef’s first attempt at No-Till

    Understood. I’m currently a week into this process of letting the soil do it’s thing was planning on adding about 500 worms to help out. But was wondering if the 65 gallon smart pot would be the best option for a couple plants or if it would be more productive to use 15 gallon smart pots per...
  4. neef

    Neef’s first attempt at No-Till

    When you say light does that effect my cooking time? For example I could go with a shorter amount then 2.5 weeks. I guess I’ll add the guanos to my AACT for my veggie garden outside then. I hope one day to be on the sa,e level as you two! This plant pictured below is my pride and joy. Love...
  5. neef

    Neef’s first attempt at No-Till

    Each bag is labeled as 1.5 cf so approximately 9 cf of soil not including the rice hulls. The bat guano will now out of the mix only used for teas from now on.
  6. neef

    Neef’s first attempt at No-Till

    Ok perlite it is then. Thank you for all your help! Do you think my amendments amount is on par? ShLUby I love my trusty shop vac saves me from getting yelled at by the old lady How thick of a layer were you using? I’ll ask you as well, what are your thoughts on the amount of amendments I...
  7. neef

    Neef’s first attempt at No-Till

    Thanks! That exactly the kind of advice I’m looking for. I appreciate it. Wet to be honest I was using them for aeration and their nutritional value (if any) figured it wouldn’t hurt to add them since I got them for a dollar. Do you think lava rock would be a better to use then perlite? Roots...
  8. neef

    Neef’s first attempt at No-Till

    Good evening all! Welcome to my first attempt at a No-Till garden indoors. I’m starting this thread looking for input and to look back for my own records. I started with 10 seeds (a friends genetics) ended up with 4 females. Started them in a coco FFOF mix then transplanted in 5 gallon bags...
  9. neef

    Neef’s first attempt at Supersoil. Comments Appreciated.

    Anyone any input? Just walked in to this thinking it’s a Fe deficiency. She was planted in FFOF don’t usually have any deficiencies this early.
  10. neef

    Neef’s first attempt at Supersoil. Comments Appreciated.

    Good afternoon everyone! This is my first attempt at something like super soil so any input is greatly appreciated. I’ve read that a lot of people don’t stick to subcools recipe. I’d like to hear others opinion on my garden as sometimes more heads are better then one. Today i’ve acquired- 1...
  11. neef

    Starting back in the swing of things but need help

    Good after noon everyone I recent started back cultivating (well trying) all has been great so far until switching to flower. Just fed my soil (ffof in 2 and ft strawberry fields in the other 2) with teas and great white. Now I'm a good way into flower and had these problems come up. Wondering...
  12. neef

    Need some opinions please light burn?

    So would you say these are underfed too? Same strain one in strawberry fields and the other in fox farms both fox farms. They were both fed a tea of great white, bat guano, worm casting before these signs showed up. Looks even worse after a 3 gallon each flush
  13. neef

    Need some opinions please light burn?

    Please excuse the hps light I didn't have time to switch lights for pics
  14. neef

    Need some opinions please light burn?

    I would agree with light burn due to malnourishment. There are soil pants (for a side by side comparison) that are closer to the light and aren't being burnt. The new growth on the supposed "light burn plants" looks get nice and green with no discoloration
  15. neef

    Need some opinions please light burn?

    So I fed them a half solution of what's was listed under veg phase 2. Ended up being around 454 ppm at 6.14 ph and 20 degrees C. The runoff read as 508 ppm with 5.97 and 22 degrees C. We will see where that's takes us later today.
  16. neef

    Need some opinions please light burn?

    Should I throw some molasses or white shark in for the micros?
  17. neef

    Need some opinions please light burn?

    Johnei I appreciate the response and your time. Thanks I'll try that plan of attack and keep rui posted
  18. neef

    Need some opinions please light burn?

    Lights on pics of changes haven't watered since last pics
  19. neef

    Need some opinions please light burn?

    I'm am feeding along with this schedule in pic. I'm in veg phase 2 just didn't include the canna boost. Came out to be about 700-750 don't remember exactly and I'm not by my trustee notebook. Ph of water + nutes is 5.7 but I've never measured the runoff as I top feed collect the waste and...
  20. neef

    Need some opinions please light burn?

    hello all! I need input as to what causing a couple of my girls to look like the pics. They are in coco fed the canna line at 700 ppm 5.7 ph, under a dimmable 1000 air cooled hood withoutt the glass running at 750 watts then turned up to 1000 for 6 hours of the light cycle (experiment, but...