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  1. Iriemedicine

    Solar panel discussion

    I keep hearing more and more people talk about Tesla but I’m literally clueless as to how it works and what It’s about. I’ll have to do somemore reading. Might actually head to the library later this evening and see if they have any books on either.
  2. Iriemedicine

    Solar panel discussion

    “Two comparably sized households in Californiaand Massachusetts consume the average amount of electricity for an American household, about 11,000 kWh annually. The California household needs a 7.0 kWh system to cover 100% of their energy needs. By comparison, the comparable household in...
  3. Iriemedicine

    Solar panel discussion

    I’ve seen multiple online sources that state people in my region have dropped electrical consumption 50-100% by use of solar panels, maybe that is false, I don’t know, I’m trying to find out more info and separate the good info from the bad. This is not coming from sites that are selling...
  4. Iriemedicine

    Solar panel discussion

    I’m just saying we are all adults and this is juvenile as fuck, all I wanted was a good discussion on solar panels without any bias and with good information. No need for any toxicity or rudeness I made that very clear from the get go.
  5. Iriemedicine

    Solar panel discussion

    I’m the “teenager” but you are the one following me around a grow forum picking fights when I’m trying to honestly discuss a topic with others and acting like a know it all when you have clearly displayed your lack of ability to read and comprehend the information provided and partake in a civil...
  6. Iriemedicine

    Solar panel discussion

    As per the first 5 results on google: “Where in the world would solar panels be most efficient? It appears that in the Southwestern states solar power would be the most effective out of the united states as a while. The amount of sunlight and day time that region gets helps power up the...
  7. Iriemedicine

    Solar panel discussion

    This is simply not true. I live in the south west, aka the desert and many people have solar, many more people are adding solar and it is not just extremely wealthy people as there are state and federal grants per mentioned before that can greatly reduce the overall cost and make them...
  8. Iriemedicine

    Faecesbook is poison....

    Again dude, go take your meds. You arnt even reading everything I wrote in the other thread before you are jumping down my throat calling me/ the licensed electrician who did my grow and has been very straight forward and trustworthy in the year and a half I’ve known him a liar. Did you not...
  9. Iriemedicine

    Faecesbook is poison....

    What are you even talking about? I mentioned a friend that got into trouble in this thread and my electrician who did my wiring in my grow room in the other , the one i mentioned who has the solar panels on his house and you called a liar because solar panels are only capable of dropping...
  10. Iriemedicine

    Faecesbook is poison....

    Stay off my shit you 51 year old stalker ass loser. I’m trying to have an intelligent discussion about solar panels in another thread and all you have to offer is negativity and toxicity and have been following me around with it. You’re a troll on a grow forum , super fucking sad dude. Get a...
  11. Iriemedicine

    Faecesbook is poison....

    And I guarantee my buddy and others would beat your shit in so bad if you said that to their face instead of being a tough guy behind a keyboard trolling a cannabis growing forum , you would be taking your food through a straw Indeffinately. Your fucked up back would be the least of your...
  12. Iriemedicine

    Solar panel discussion

    This guy seriously has no purpose on this site at all except to troll. This is the third or forth post I’ve made this asshole has followed me around on with something rude to say or belittling myself or others. I NEVER MENTIONED ANY SPECS YOU STUPID FUCK. Those specs where mentioned by...
  13. Iriemedicine

    Solar panel discussion

    I’m not changing anything about my story. The electrician who did my room invited me over to his house and he has solar panels, I asked him how much they cost him and how much he saves on electricity. He told me close to 10k cost (which could be alittle more Idk, this is what he said), he self...
  14. Iriemedicine

    Solar panel discussion

    If solar panels are as expensive and inefficient as you say @TacoMac , it makes me wonder why so many homes here already have them and why many more are adding them? My neighbor across the street lined almost an entire side of the roof of their two story house with panels this last spring.
  15. Iriemedicine

    Solar panel discussion

    Maybe I should have specified that the roughly 10k estimate of cost for his solar panels was for equipment only, he installed it all himself so no labor costs attached. I also believe I mentioned I live in a high desert climate where there is intense sun 75% of the year plus. Just trying to...
  16. Iriemedicine

    Faecesbook is poison....

    A person he was “friends” with got arrested and became an informant. Happens a lot more than you think and im sure probably has happened here on RIU in the past too. Not just Facebook. All social media. Just saying be safe it happens a lot more than people think.
  17. Iriemedicine

    Solar panel discussion

    I’ve been to his house and have seen his panels. I don’t know about what their capacity is but I can’t see why he would lie about that? Hes a licensed electrician and he did all the electrical in my grow room for a great price, I don’t know why he would just make up statements like that if it...
  18. Iriemedicine

    Faecesbook is poison....

    A buddy of mine got arrested a couple years ago and there was a bunch of info the police took from Facebook/messenger in the discovery. Be mindful of what you post on the internet, who can see it and who you have private conversations with through messenger or any type of electronic commumication.
  19. Iriemedicine

    Solar panel discussion

    I recently talked to someone who is not a grower who bought some for his house. He told me the set up cost him close to 10k but lowered his monthly bill from over $400 to less than $60. I live in an area with intense sun 75% of the year.
  20. Iriemedicine

    Solar panel discussion

    Does anyone power or supplement power to their indoor grow with solar panels? How much did the set up cost you after installation and how much do the panels save you on your monthly bill?