Lmao two weeks ago a curry house grow was busted no wonder its hard to score in this town lol. Yeah we all good having a quiet fathers day. Loving the world cups we got going on atm. Its shocking the uk mmj thing. Not 1 nhs scipt been made
Can anyone tell if these are magic mushrooms? Asking for a friend, I would of just scoffed some to find up but its one of the mums asking??? Any help would be appreciated
Blue pit, nice, thats one of the ones i haven't flowered, cant remember exactly but i know if not grown it or smoked it in the uk lol. Always liked that strains posture lol.
No worries mate, I understand how stuff gets in the way and it feels like everythings going against you. I can get the glue when im ready ill get it off my pal. Thank you tho.
Nice one, then thats the one I have too. That and psycho and dog and casey and thats all i have at the min, lost me glue but a m8 has it so thats no worries. How is everyone, its been what feels like an age since I last was on.
yeah man thats been my mission through the move to keep her happy. the last few days shhes been smiling so my work is done lol. I planted 10 dog seeds and only got two out of it but i have a lanky one and a short arse one out of it so im super happy bout the shout arse one it has thick...
Over a year since ive been here. Finally moved my mum and her 11 cats and one dog.. And relax... My cloning game has turned round thank fook. My camera has broke ffs. Hopefully getting another one this week so can show yous whats going on my my grow. Ive got 4 jake blues x jack the ripper...
thought so. shes a beast. the on i had was so hard to tame specially in veg. It ended up root bounding its self or me being slack and not flowering it more like. Looking like the fb has made it :D plenty of tlc and shell be new growth ing lol. cant wait to flower her...