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  1. uzerneims

    Matching Drivers and COBs

    So it means - With 3x HLG-185H-1050 i could run 15 VEROS29, right? 1 - Hlg = 5.1 so 3 HLG's could run 15.3VEROS...
  2. uzerneims

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    It not necessary to run on one, it would be cool to drive 14x cobs with few drivers instead of buying for every cob one, because imho it would be more expensive.
  3. uzerneims

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Hey, help a brother out! What is the best, efficient way to drive 10x V29? Like - imo all ten by single driver - 1.4A, but maybe there are way to run them little bit lower and on less driver count... Any ideas?
  4. uzerneims

    Harvest Pictures Grown Under 2 Cxa3070's

    Good job! I've been using 2x CXA AB's too, last time got 0.6gpw using Hempy, damn... I could do better.
  5. uzerneims

    The Nug Machine... Round 3

    Looks neat man!
  6. uzerneims

    Northern Lights Auto - 150w LED

    Can you tell more? What lights are u using and stuff? Nutrients?
  7. uzerneims

    Micro Grow box questions about LED lighting.

    i have two plants under two cxa3070 ab's 3k @ 1.4A - one plant under direct light is pale green, but structure is ok, second is dark green, but it has trained and all center is empty, so one is more sensible to direct sunlight, imo... like ufo hole ;D
  8. uzerneims

    Another Cree CXA3070 DIY Thread

    Wow man! Can't wait to finish mine grow cycle. Currently i'm at 21st day of flower, looks kind of similar as yours at 26th day... I hope to see same fat nugs from mine 2x CXA3070 AB's @ 1.4A... Mmm... This is Florida Gold - Og Kush x Jews Gold Running in hempy bucket... Sorry for hijacking...
  9. uzerneims

    CXA3070 spacebins.

    Trippy design!
  10. uzerneims

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    basically all cpu coolers will work :)
  11. uzerneims

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    No because it's 24V, you will need at least - 36-40V
  12. uzerneims

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    So with 2x CXA 3070 AB's @ 1.4 i've only 4.5PAR/ w? :D
  13. uzerneims

    Another Cree CXA3070 DIY Thread

    Very nice! And running how much amps?
  14. uzerneims

    [Request] - CXB3590 harvest results pics

    Top grade bud in Europe is cheaper than 400$/oz... Weird...
  15. uzerneims

    [Request] - CXB3590 harvest results pics

    i think soon we could have outdoor guerilla-indoor-growing capsules, like solar powered, they charge batteries, and those batteries are running high efficiency led's & controlled by arduino.. because this all seems so powerfull, like in future we will grow food with this, cuz it's cheaper and...
  16. uzerneims

    8x Cree CXB3590 CB 3000k

    just sick! can't wait to see something under them ;<
  17. uzerneims

    Pictures of your DIY lights - Post your pics!!!

    Here i made my CXA3070AB's with 1.5A Chinese Drivers.... I've two of these... Now just running one, will start seedlings soon.. Running soo cool, that LED is the stealthest option you could have.
  18. uzerneims

    Another Cree CXA3070 DIY Thread

    Ooh... I tought ' is the "foot" and " is the "inch"... So 6w 730nm for 150cm x 150 cm tent... RIU should come up with some vBulletin script, that offers you switch - from imperial/metric, haha... So, i will buy that cheap chinese e-bay 730nm, and see how it works out...
  19. uzerneims

    Another Cree CXA3070 DIY Thread

    I think that GrowlightSource dude is blowing fishes, to get more clients... Someone in forum stated, that one 730 fits for much larger tent... like 10W for all tent.
  20. uzerneims

    The far red thread

    Hey! Will this do the work?