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  1. juggalo666

    Sup everyone

    Lmao thanks you guys. Yum lemon haze sounds amazing right now just moved and all I can find is brow swag lol so I started my first grow so I don't have to smoke this shit
  2. juggalo666

    Sup everyone

    I'm new to RIU. I've been reading up on this site for a hot min now! But I'm happy to be here lol this is one of the more informative sites that I've been on so yea what's up everyone bongsmilie
  3. juggalo666

    First grow

    What's up riu started my first grow I'm using bammer seed cause I'm broke I have 150 watts for 2 plants I have soft white and daytime I wish I had a cam to post pix but that will have to wait nothing is really going on with them but is there anything I can do to help them grow idk lol thanks...
  4. juggalo666

    HTG 250watt hps Ballast Kit

    they dont come with the power cord do they? im trying to figur out what all it is that i need for the 400 watt ballast kit for them.
  5. juggalo666

    HPS Ballast Kit

    What else did you need I am going to get a htg kit 400 watt ballast kit just wondering what else is needed here
  6. juggalo666

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    i was thinking about get a ballast kit i was just wondering what is a good housing to put it in??