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  1. torturekiller420

    Are there any oil attachments for table top vaporizers?

    Just as the title says. Im looking for possible attachments to vape oil with out of my new ViVape 2. I got it mainly for flowers and because of the bags, but i got to thinking, if i can use it with oil too, why not? So, has anyone seen or does anyone have anything like what im talking about...
  2. torturekiller420

    DIY E-Nail

    Thanks a ton BudBro!!! I have Ti, quite a bit actually, mostly HE. As for my box, the power cord will go in the back., in the front will be (left to right) Coil plug, Power switch, PID.
  3. torturekiller420

    DIY E-Nail

    Awesome Budbro, Thanks! Im not sure what my coil is rated, i got one from d-nail. My PID didnt come with any sort of instructions(go figure) for programming. Budbro, do you have a manual i could get a copy of do you know of a link? Ill touch back when things begin to progress some more.
  4. torturekiller420

    DIY E-Nail

    Also, I have a fotek 25a SSR on the way, pictured is an auber 5a SSR. Im going to use the 25a for this build, but do you think the 5a will be alright for another smaller build i have in mind? Has any used or heard of anyone using the auber 5a? Thoughts? Opinions? Thanks!
  5. torturekiller420

    DIY E-Nail

    Still waiting on my other SSR, coil, and heat gun which should all be here friday. I also need to make a trip to the hardware store to get some wire, solder, connectors, ect. I think ill take the case to work and mill it being i dont have a dremel. Ive got the case laid out the way i think i...
  6. torturekiller420

    DIY E-Nail

  7. torturekiller420

    DIY E-Nail

    These instruments have a much broader use than that of enails. Think industrial and lab related tools. Id be surprised if these companies have even noticed the enail industry popping up, in terms of sales, ect.
  8. torturekiller420

    DIY E-Nail

    Well, all my parts have been ordered. Ill touch back when things start arriving and i start putting things together.
  9. torturekiller420

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Looks a little cloudy, I had just pulled it out of the freezer and it fogged up a bit from the temp change. Tasty stuff. A bit dark, but what do you do.
  10. torturekiller420

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Right, and im not sure where your located at Doubletake, but here its cold and with a little snow on the ground. If the same applies to you, you wont have to worry so much about keeping your thermos in a bucket of ice or submerged in a ice-water bath in a cooler to keep the butane in a liquid...
  11. torturekiller420

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    You could re-dissolve it back into butane via the thermos method and then go about your normal routine after its been filtered out of the thermos or mason jar.
  12. torturekiller420

    DIY E-Nail

    Try-E-Nail Only and Enail Crew
  13. torturekiller420

    DIY E-Nail

    Have you googled, "troubleshooting xmt7100 PID" or possibly "programming auber 1/32 PID"
  14. torturekiller420

    DIY E-Nail

    do you have it set on auto tune? also I think I read once that with those you have to enter 0001, then your desired temp. There are a couple facebook groups that you could post this in and more than likely get 50 responses in the first couple hours of how to go about programming this and be...
  15. torturekiller420

    DIY E-Nail

    Isn't the xmt7100 the same as Aubers 1/32?
  16. torturekiller420

    DIY E-Nail

    14awg wire? I thought 16awg was to thick so people were using 18awg? Im going to order a wire spool kit(desired wire size in different colored spools). I would hate to order the wrong stuff.
  17. torturekiller420

    DIY E-Nail

    You guys can make analog enails fairly simply. Power cord, Light dimmer, and a coil plug. Im pretty sure there is a Tutorial around here or reddit, its simple....really simple.
  18. torturekiller420

    DIY E-Nail

    Awesome BudBro! Thanks a ton! I will be using Auber's 25a SSR. They seem to really have great products and their customer service is right up there as well.
  19. torturekiller420

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Thanks guys, I guess by commercial grade, im thinking large trim runs that are often pushed out of state, to places such as my own.
  20. torturekiller420

    Colorado Oil Prices?

    So im sitting here this lovely thanksgiving morning dabbing on some wax from Colorado and I cant help but to wonder just how much this stuff gets marked up from the journey from Colorado to around where im at. So my question is to all you Colorado locals. What is the average price of...