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  1. C

    CXA3070s for Growing Indoor Fruit and Vegetables

    I'll keep you updated here.......I have an outdoor set-up (a massive allotment here in Germany) that I will be moving at least 2/3 of these babies to and then growing them in "competition". My aim? To prove that indoor grown fruit and veg can at least compete on a taste AND nutritional level...
  2. C

    CXA3070s for Growing Indoor Fruit and Vegetables

    I only know of a few people on this fine forum growing such non-smokable produce.....but here is my set-up and I'd be grateful for constructive criticism/suggestions and experience. COBs and Intematix Remote Phosphor in front of Royal Blue LEDs are now my preference.......this is just Day 17...
  3. C

    LED lighting requirements for microgreens and aromatic herbs

    COBs and Intematix Remote Phosphor in front of Royal Blue LEDs are now my preference.......this is just Day 17 from sowing :) I use the Intematix for germination on top of a radiator and then move them beneath these 6 COBs (soon to be 8......then 18!!!) where they get uniform 1100 umol/m2/s...
  4. C

    DIY led grow

    what lights have you got in there. Looks so simple and effective!
  5. C

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070 As I mentioned - I am sure it's not an Apogee.....but I am also sure it doesn't cost what an Apogee costs and should have a tolerance of around 15% (you'd hope).
  6. C

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Latest picture of the babies.... 44 tomatoes, 14 varieties, 9 Black Beauty Zucchini..... Chilli and Paprika still under baby lights. At 30cm from COBs am reading 1300umol/s/m2.....Which is nice :) If Eddie is still confused about which wire is which I have a document somewhere on that topic...
  7. C

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    So I may be unemployed....but I won't stop scheming :) Necessity is the mother of all invention and it looks like between Necessity and MacGyver I have been a good son! My wife isn't too happy about losing a clothes horse, but I think it's been put to much better use :o A combination of cable...
  8. C

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Oh dear - that's rather pants
  9. C

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    I hear you, but if those metal feet are over the edge of the bump then the whole thing sits better, the feet are pressing on the metal, just sitting on the ramp of the bump rather than proud from the upper surface.....much more stable and the COB is very firmly held against the heatsink of the...
  10. C

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

  11. C

    DIY led grow

    By that cryptic post I meant: 1) LED Professional has advertisers to keep happy so maybe they're not the last word in scientific fact (maybe) (like certain MJ Growing mags out there that like KIND, etc) 2) Almost every single study I have seen has postulated a bell curve shaped DLI graph for...
  12. C

    DIY led grow

    But for vegetables and tomatoes etc, this is not true??? I smell a "oh fuck we have a LOT of lights out there that we still need to shift, so why don't we say they're still good for some of the growers.....but not all of them" :) Or maybe I am just a jaded cynic. Either way - I think there is...
  13. C

    Multichip LED, Remote Phosphor - Guess who it is.

    And the beginnings of the beginning......150 seeds germinating on top of my radiator (soil at 29C) with a 35W Intematix 4000K lamp churning out 200umol/m2/s at soil level. 4 days old and they've burst into life.....I feel like a daddy :) Now I REALLY have to get that freakin' COB build done...
  14. C

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Well, my work here is done! I asked a question, learned something and saw Supra learn something too :) that's a first!
  15. C

    CXA3590 Build Plan

    and to think there are people here that would troll your thread :)
  16. C

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Oh wow.....your knowledge highlights my noobignorance :( ROL and LOS are new acronyms to me (not an MJ grower) and I am assuming you're saying that I should put some Endo on the root system each and every time I transplant a plant (though that should only be 2 or 3 times). Having now spent...
  17. C

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Apologies for the utterly un-LED related question - but the people here are pretty "special" so I value your opinion in matters healthy growing......has anyone used MYCORRHIZAE in their grow?
  18. C

    16 cxa3070 at 500ma?

    Hmmmm......sometime people don't give a shit about reputations, because, well, I honestly reckon they have 2 or more "persona" on here, one of them being the dick the other being the angel. Who knows, I know I won't rise to any of it, because it's a waste of the 2 things I cannot buy or...
  19. C

    16 cxa3070 at 500ma?

  20. C

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Until you acquire the skills, a healthy fear of electricity is......healthy :)