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  1. L

    Ebb and Flow When can I put Clones in ?

    Wow nice, mine dont look half as pretty as yours. Been atleast a week and a half some have root some not yet just little bumps. Spray turned on right when i took pic just my luck. forgot to mention on timer 15on 15 off
  2. L

    Ebb and Flow When can I put Clones in ?

    hehe i did answer my own question lol. Thanks
  3. L

    Ebb and Flow When can I put Clones in ?

    Hey everyone, ok this is my first hydro ebb and low tray doing clones no veg. My question is pretty simple when can i put clones in pot? basically once the have 1 root or do i want a well established root system in aero cloner then move to tray. I will Guess the longer on cloner and better root...
  4. L

    4x4 tent need help cooling her down!!!!

    O ok I see I don't know accurate those but use what you have. I am out of ideas honestly. But in term of grow if your having better temps down keep it down. And as I said before just be patient it will pump up.
  5. L

    4x4 tent need help cooling her down!!!!

    Hmmm I am confused which this statement - " there was more negative pressure when the filter was down". I don't see how that is possible unless there was a kink in your ducting. A fan has a static pressure so up or down negative pressure if you have one should not change.
  6. L

    4x4 tent need help cooling her down!!!!

    Where was your thermostat located when you had filter up ? From the indication of the picture u have thermostats ( when down ) in the wrong area. Don't put thermostat near filter does not give accurate reading imho, put on there side of tent not near filter at plant canopy level get better...
  7. L

    Ventilation! Help please

    Why do u say no more then 1-2 mins, is it bad that I want a faster refresh rate ? Like every 30 secs ?
  8. L

    Was me Going LED a mistake Or Maybe Im to blame

    Thanks, wow nice ya those heat sinks are nice. and Thanks Here is a little preview Please some by and show your support because i damn well know i am going to need it going to be my very first HYDRO round 3x3 tray 50gal rez. Tap water Botanicare KIND nuts. no veg once clones have root a good...
  9. L

    4x4 tent need help cooling her down!!!!

    I see, ya top would be better because if your moving that heat off the lamp anyways, the heat in tent temps will automatically drop . Ladies look great. :D Keep up the good work.
  10. L

    Was me Going LED a mistake Or Maybe Im to blame

    Been away lol.. f3 spec no DIY. About to put out a journal so everyone please check it out will be hydro will need as much help as possible clones are in getting roots once have root I will start it up with LED
  11. L

    4x4 tent need help cooling her down!!!!

    Yes, put the carbon filter at top helps with heat. Just be patience the resin will come in due time just keep taking care of it as you are looks good. It might just be a 10 + week flowering plant imho. So just have carbon at top and duct heated air outside room grow space and you will be rocking. .
  12. L

    Post your 4x4x6.5 grow tent(:

    I use a 4x4x6.5 tent for mother vitualsunhydro actually it is cheap and long lasting I own 3. But If I had it noting beat a Gorilla grow tent still. In 4x4 3 mothers very bushy topped many times. And clone machine. Enough space to work and not feel tight.
  13. L

    4x4 tent need help cooling her down!!!!

    No no hot air wouldn't do anything like. How many weeks are u in flower ? What kinda plant is it indica or sativa ? High heat you would see the damage. And yes passive intake would give you negative pressure. Just don't duct it back into the growing space, place it somewhere else.
  14. L

    4x4 tent need help cooling her down!!!!

    82 is not bad. If you want lower cool the room the tent is in which in turn will cool the tent temps. If that is not possible negative pressure the tent area duct that hot air either to another room,outside or attic. Hope that could be of some help.
  15. L

    Ventilation! Help please

    Yes please tell me
  16. L

    Ventilation! Help please

    No Heat Problems just hate smell Leak and would hate for smell to leak out lol... Fan on 24/7 make temps in veg tent consent does not change at all very stable. For Flower not sure yet but i think temp drop light off will be good to try bring out the color... well hopefully i can have a journal...
  17. L

    Ventilation! Help please

    NICE NICE thats is good info right there. That is much better then a normal Y connector. Thank you. I hate the smell It actually makes me feel sicks for some weird reason. anyways YES!!!! thank you Great Link. Ordering it today.
  18. L

    Ventilation! Help please

    Here is what I mean. So far i only have 8" fan I am thinking about picking up two 6" fan and carbon Filter.
  19. L

    Ventilation! Help please

    Bump for advise. I was just looking up some info and I do know Well I think I know for duct size to push the air from the y I would need to increase the duct size. But if I put a fan would I have to ?
  20. L

    Ventilation! Help please

    Hey need a some ventilation help. Here is the run down, two tents, one so far has 8" fan and filter great negative pressure which is good no leakage. Second tent no fan or filter yet going to pick up this week. Thinking, should I get another 8" fan and filter or 6" fan or filter. CFM rating ball...