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  • hows things buddy on my next grow staring blueberry blue cheese white siberian apple jack and red cherry berry and bulldogs haze cant wait three week from seed looking good il post some photos soon how u been mate u up to much hope to speak to u soon widdow
    hey bro hows things going see u have a little journal going there looking good doing a great job
    i have big bang and cheese and bubble gum going now im about week away or so from harvest cant wait holiday i ncouple of weeks to so cant wait good luck mate wol
    thanks 4 the love im just soaking all da 411 i can. this is a good way to reduce a rookie mistake.
    like time, knowledge is money$$$
    Hey man, thanks for the help, I definatley got a bit of info from that. You definatley know your stuff or at least how to help and its greatly appreciated. Plus love your pic man, Im a fan of the pin-ups myself. Wish we could burn one man, peace.
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