hehe sorry which seed run lol.
at first i didnt know what you meant about the title lol. but you could make a couple of nice simple crosses with what you got there really and get decent results... you just have to play the waiting game to see what the males are and the fems.
HIMILAYAN GOLD is landrace and easily reproduced

(just food for thought... though it does get rather a bit more technical than that).. but that will be the best for your first attempt me thinks. but theres a high chance youll see something you like even more or get stuck with something different to your origional plans and hopes. this is the problem when you get stuck working with small numbers.
(edit) just realised you only have one himalayan gold and only females left

.. perhaps some feminised seeds??
either way just remember to take some cuttings it will more than likely come in handy...
congrats and welcome to the fun world that is breeding. where we manipulate genes and get our own beans hehe.