Stoney Haze McStonerson

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  • stoney mcstonerson where are yah lost in the wood or what,hehehehe get back to me when u get this!!
    Hey stoney how is school going, well in between all that stress and bizzy life try to get back at me. Oh and the rafting thing more like put 2 up in the air and then just maybe,It does sound like fun fun fun!!!!XOXO;)
    btw is there a place up there that (with the right certification) you could buy clones from them and eliminate some time for growing?
    Thanks for the advice. I want to do everything by the books so theres less chance of problems with the law. I use marijuana pretty often for medicinal and recreational uses but i do enjoy the fact that I havent been sick in about 4 years and I believe MJ has a lot to do with that. I just recently started my first grow and its going pretty well. I was a little worried recently to see drooping leaves on one of the plants and some small brown spots on another plants leaves(only a couple small leaves that were removed). If you wana shoot me some tips my pics are on my profile. the sagging leaves one isnt hard to find. How long have you lived in Denver? and have you had any problems with the law up there during your grow period? And good luck with your degree, i just finished my associates in horticulture at Florida Southern here in Lakeland, fl
    Well if i ever get out that way i will look u up if it is warm maybe i will go for a long ride up that way!!!!
    hi I live in Florida and I will be moving to the Denver area soon and don't necessarily have all the details on how the legal growing process works yet. I am currently growing in florida and want to move to where its not as big of a legal issue but like i said, i dont know all the details. Would you be able to help me and let me know how you go about getting certified and the legal process of things. I want to do it right the first time. Thanks either way
    HEY GOOD LOOKIN. I just sent u a friend request and if i'm ever close to u in colorodo maybe we could smoke each others dank,or if ur ever in san diego cali i will take u for a tour from sun set on the beaches to sun rise in the moutain's.
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