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  • About 1 cup if you're using soft/filtered or RO water.
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    Reactions: unwine99
    Ok. Would then the 5ml of CaMg+ that I always add per gallon to my RO water be unnecessary with the additional dolomite in the soil?
    It wouldn't hurt, just keep it at a teaspoon and not necessary with every initial watering.
    Hey Nullis. I found a thread from a few years ago regarding the application of Earth Juice fertilizer. You said to add dolomite lime to the soil but you didn't say how much. How much would you recommend per 1.5 cf bag of Roots or Ocean Forrest? Thanks in advance.
    oh well, wanted to say thanks for the tea recipe, was going to leave you some rep, but it says i've got to spread the love around some..
    thanks again for the tips though m8..
    Digging the tips. Been doing commercial nutes for years and just got started brewing teas. I'm liking what I'm seeing. Haven't been ph-ing and still looking awesome. 3 weeks to go, Cheers! True Living Organics :-P
    There is big 'chunk' perlite, and there is finer sized stuff as well. There are probably various different grades of it but usually the chunk and/or smaller pieces are encountered, often together.
    nullis after we were having the discussion the other day about perlite and soil mixes i did some looking around, one thing that stood out was that the perlite where we are(ireland) is very small peices ut after looking around on some of the other posts the chunks were real big, do you get different size perlite where you are?
    some good info in your thread
    Just for the record, I don't discredit Rize and I respect his growing style. I just thought he was a tad flamboyant and self-righteous.
    Dude, I just read your post from 9/27/10 rippin' on Matt Rize and all I can say is thank you so much. That guy's elitist BS "my way is pure and inherently good" attitude is just absurd. So once again, thank you so very very much.
    hi man i just made this account
    i am going all organic and growing for the first time.
    i am using bio bizz
    i also brew compost tea using. worm shit, bat shit, little bit blood meal, bush doctor, earth juice catalyst, compost and humus also molasses.
    i also snip the tip of the plant and supper crop i could use some tips
    thx have a good day buddy
    The roots are still white so far, I will stop misting so much, its just that the plant fan leaves turn really dry and almost crisp to touch if I dont mist it every couple hours... I backed the light away for this reason... No mold what so ever, no signs, nothing... I am picking up a PH monitor today here in a couple hours or so to determine if my PH factor is off which it probally is... :sad:

    How much water is approperiate to mist on the plant so I know also... I will stop misting the soil as well...
    Hey dude.Thanks for the input:)The point i was just trying to make is the fact that there isn't anything wrong, in my opinion of using human urine when its perfectly accepted to use animals shit piss etc. Although you are very right about the fact that our waste is alot different to that of a bat or a cow obviously diet etc has a huge impact.Would you think it would be wrong to use yur own clean nutritious urine on your own stash?i dont:)
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