Recent content by YoungStoner123

  1. Y

    The UK Growers Thread!

    So i dont have electicity in my barn, but do you think if i made a 4x4 grow box with reflectix insulation and either had 1 400watt or 2, do you think i could use 1-2 car batterys to run the light? Or does anyone know another solution?
  2. Y

    2 400watt lights?

    If 2 400watt will work thats fine.
  3. Y

    Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

    Yes i am of age? And this is a forum, a place for information easy to read. Future references, use correct grammer, and by the way, i dont think you know jackshit about growing because none of that made sence.
  4. Y

    Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

    Hey im kind of a beginner but i was just wondering if watering my plants once a week thourghly will be enough to make good healty plant bc i dont know if i will have access to them to water anymore? If no, should i put some auto watering system in there?
  5. Y

    2 400watt lights?

    Would 2-400watt lights work in a 4x4 grow box covered in reflectix insulation?
  6. Y

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Alright so a 600watt single would work best? And okay thanks. Do u know if i can purchase a 600watt at any local store like home depot?
  7. Y

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    So if i have a 4x4 area with reflective insulation, would i be able to fit 15 plants? If so, would 2 400watt hid lights work?
  8. Y

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Hey this might be a noobie question but how exactly do i install lights to a grow room and give connect them to an electrical outlet? Also what is the smallest i could make my box if i have 15 plants and im using 2 400watt HID lights?
  9. Y

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    Hey this might be a noobie question but how exactly do i install lights to a grow room and give connect them to an electrical outlet? Also what is the smallest i could make my box if i have 15 plants and im using 2 400watt lights?
  10. Y

    Lighting issue

    Okay so I thought i had everything together but I didnt...i need to know how to hook up 2 400 watt lights at fixture and how to get them connected to electricity, this may be a noobie question but I really an brain dead on this one
  11. Y

    Grow box

    Okay so i have almost all the materials needed to grow besides the box. What is the absolute smallest box i could fit 15 plants in?
  12. Y

    My set this going to work?

    Thanks and ill try the lollipop thing
  13. Y

    My set this going to work?

    Okay so you think if i cut it in half one 400 watt light will work? Will i be able to still have 15 plants growing in that space?
  14. Y

    Watering once a week?

    Okay, i was wondering if only watering your plants heavily once a week will work? I wont have to much time to go where they are growing indoors but if i could get a cheap electronically opperated machine auto watering system(somewhere in stores, not online) that would be even better..any...
  15. Y

    Has anyone used this watering system?

    "RainMaker Solar Powered Automatic Drip Watering System" apparently this thing waters ur plants every 3 hours and you can adjust how much water it gets but i have read good and bad reviews on this....i dont know if it will over water my plants or not...