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  • Not a whole lot just got done eating some fish fry walleye and perch yum yum and as for me my favret color is red and i like pizza and i have blond hair blue eyes im German decent and 6foot tall and i smoke weed with purpose (bad back cant lift more than 80+ pounds)!
    Wasn't a headache at all and rhubarb is awesome, My nan makes an awesome rhubarb and apple crumble, I love the bite that rhubarb has...
    I love pancakes... How did you know..?

    I don't know about you but I cover mine with butter, sugar and fresh squeezed lemon...
    whats with the tender sex (eyes rolling right out of my ears) and chopping off balls?

    is this a new trend ?
    yeah, id get confused similarily younger, i grew mostly out of it. probably bit autistic myself :D

    oh i wouldnt worry about relationships, just have fun with it.

    btw, carne seca, vikings are quite often around 5 feet 9 ;) (well, you´d be Just under average (just over 6 feet is average around here, but a 5 9 guy, wouldnt look out of place
    margur er knár þótt hann sé smár (fairly bad translation = Size has absolutely nothing to do with strength or bravery (its lots better in the old language (many a really famous viking wouldave had more easier time of chopping off your balls than your head(more to prove, since vikings are famously large)
    That would be an interesting sight. Two stoned midgets riding piggy back. I wonder if they'll toss coins at us?
    I'd blend right in with them damn vikings. Except for the fact that I'm only 5'9 so, to them, I'd look like a midget.
    oh and the wife would totally hug you too, she´s a very huggy person too :) bit of a hugger myself :)
    though, on the waiting, my wife lived on the other side of the world and it was really a freak occurence that brought us together lol
    so maybe not being afraid travel is a really good thing.
    or hey, maybe in your case its right around the corner, didnt really feel lucky till i met my wife. :)
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