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  • cheers whodat. I ordered some too... I should be swimming in BB gear soon. Scrooge mcduck style. I won the last one as well... and was gonna step out like you... but I had to represent for the 600. ;)
    hey buddy :p; so I have been admiring your grow and everything you do is spot-on in my (unwritten) book lol. One picture however in the thread caught my eye and I thought I would pm you about it. In the thread "my new 4, 400watt room", I noticed that your new rock-wool setup had what seems like mylar underneath the plant. I was wondering if this was done as a prevention from water splatter, or as a means of trying to increase light productivity. I ask this because I am concerned that reflecting light from the bottom will decrease the plants potential energy gradient. I had just learned about this recently while taking Botany. Most plants lack the capabilities to utilize light from the bottom of the leaf, as this area is exclusively designated for plant respiration. To increase temperature by reflecting light upwards, will require the plant to expend more energy in respiration, as oppose to photosynthesizing, leading to comparative net energy loss. PM me and tell me whatcha think.
    oh yea im all good,jus got to chill out,for some reason people seem to think this is a legal state,and when
    the hammer comes down,no one wats to play fare....so now its veggie time,maybe some orchids.
    Good deal... nice to see people with similar interest around here... CO, Ill be there soon...
    Sorry to PM you and be a bug....but I am growing the same strain (BB Kush) our plants are remakebly similar....I would love to hear you training techniques and Your nute program if you have the time...It would be GREATLY appreciated....YOur results are Ridiculous.....the fact that you got that out of the same strain Im growing obviously is Impressive to me but the fact that you got those results PERIOD are quite impressive....please share the Knowledge bredren.....
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