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  • ah OK whats the total budget your going to spend on the whole setup are you going to clone or just starter from seed i just asking so i can help you better k
    wow alot at once, weel sory to tell you chances are you will mess up, now with that out of the way lets see if we can anserew some of your questions. i am new to the hydro part but have a good understanding so far. have u pucesed any thing yet first!!
    1st time grower and i need like all the help as posssible
    so as soon as i have my seeds ready 2 plant what should i feed it to make sure it gets everything it needs at that stage?
    is there a different temperature and humidity level that i need at that specific time?
    what lights should i use during that stage and how far from the actual plants do i put the light?
    what are the ppm and ph levels that i need to maintain a great grow thru the different stages?
    should i keep the 2 400 watts for my vegitative stage or shud i upgrade?
    do you think 2 600 watts hps are better than 2 1000 watts hps for flowering in my 4x4?
    is there a difference between the brands of the lights if so what would be the best lights for my different stages as far as brand is concerned?
    and what exactly would be the best purple strain you think i shud try 2 get for hydro?
    im so sorry for all these question but i just dont wanna mess nothing up
    Well in my apion 2 1000 would be great but cooling them might be a issue. And having a meltel halid and a sodium is the way to go. Are you afirst time grower or will this be your frist time with a hydro set up
    would you keep the same light thruout the whole grow or do you think is better to have different lights like in veggie and different in flowring? do you think 2 1000 watts will be too much for the little space
    Well came home this weekend was gone fore two days and i think i have a bad case of nutrent burn. But uther then that its been great. You really have too stay on top of the water but that is ture for any hydro ponic sytem. As fare as i can tell i like it so fare but only time will tell i will be doning a jurnal here soo i want to make sure my girls are goning to make it
    aye wuz wondering how is your grow going what exaktly are you growin and what are you feeding i know your wunderin wtf y am i askin u all this is kuz im plannin on gettin the same thing and wanna know if its worth it and does it really grow as much as it says it does
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