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  • thank you its just hard to know if im doing it right as everyone does it different i cant belive i only germinated the seeds a week tomorrow and they have grown so fast, when do you move tem to big pots as at the moment they are in plastic cups
    you should be fine, once it gets past this stage, its gonna take off. don't be to worried about the brown tips, it will be fine:D
    heheheh:D shouldn't be a big problem, the light schedule and fan sound good. they should grow with no problem. I don't think you need to spray them anymore, just water when the soil gets dry. how many sets of leaves does it have?
    One more thing, if you ask me a question, go to my page and post there, that way I can see it:D heheheh. .. Enjoy the forums:leaf:
    Hi lucy, was reading a few of your posts:D if ya need any help with questions, feel free to ask, I might know a thing or two;) aloha
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