Recent content by stevenr

  1. S

    Do trichomes always turn amber?

    You know, I've never tried to see how long a plant can live. Sounds like it is worth a try, anyway. I've always harvested when the fan leaves start dying, and the trichomes started changing color en mass. As long as the buds are still green and the trichome are degrading (new knowledge, yeah!)...
  2. S

    Do trichomes always turn amber?

    Decisions of when to harvest are going to be more complicated now, if the trichome clear/amber/cloudy isn't a good indicator. I did starve the poor girl of nitrogen a bit, using just flowering nutrients in a bubble system. A week or so ago I added some vegitative nutrient in, and she sucked it...
  3. S

    Do trichomes always turn amber?

    Ok, that confirms a suspician I've had: The color change is the result of oxidation of the crystals that have already formed, not a change in what's been recently formed. So the popular idea that you should wait until there's a percentage of amber trichomes has little to do with their rate of...
  4. S

    Do trichomes always turn amber?

    Here's a new one for me: I've got a plant who's trichomes are staying clear, but it's clearly passing on soon. I usually see some yellowing of fan leaves, and trim them off more and more toward the end. But this is ridiculous! Trics are clear on the lead buds and the bottom, but there are...
  5. S

    Making DMT, my log.

    Hello, I'd like to learn what you did. Do you mind if I take a guess at the steps, and ask a couple questions? What you did was cut up the green matter, then soak in vinegar. You filtered resulting solution, and threw away the solids. Then you added napha to the acidic, aqueous...
  6. S

    Earthship Living/Growing And The Future

    Oh man, I love Earthships. I got to help somebody work on theirs a couple of days. Make sure you check out some other designs, too. There are a bunch of different owner/builder designs that stress low cost and high efficiency. My numero uno recommendation to look at Rob Roy's books...
  7. S

    When Will USA Fall?

    Military budget under the last regime became larger than medicare and medicade combined. Estimates ranged from 48% to 51% of the entire world's military expenditures were ours, and that didn't include the two wars. Military budget went up more under the present administration. The whole of...
  8. S

    When Will USA Fall?

    Wow. My friend who works with nomadic pastorolists in Africa tells me that one of the most valuable things she can give them, something that really improves their lives for years to come, is a plastic garbage bag. That's poor man. We're communicating on computers -- a pretty powerful tool for...
  9. S

    Metal halide (mh) for the stash high pressure sodium (hps) for the cash

    How's this for an old guy pushing his bias, zues: My first response to that awesome bit of research you posted was, "Thank the gods. Puntuation and capitalization!" haha But seriously man, that is some meaty stuff. I've saved it for future rereading. There's a lot to learn there. And...
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    Well, there needs to be a acknowledgement that cosmetics and sound are very different things. A beat up looking guitar is a bigger appeal to some folks. I look at the wear on my six string with fondness --- ditches I've made in the rosewood from playing it so much, and the way hard picking has...
  11. S

    molasses to use or not to use

    This is just some wild hypothesis, not anything I've read up on, but I'd think anything water soluble would end up in the plant. If you tasted it or not would depend on how much got pulled in, and how sensitive your senses are. Plants generate their own sugars, but after photosythesis it's in...
  12. S

    Is there a way to Boolean search?

    Hi, I can't figure out how to make the search tool apply Boolean logic. Is there something I'm missing (no doubt, right in front of my face)? Thanks
  13. S

    Organic Cloning

    Speaking as a chemist, "organic" means a molecule as has a carbon backbone. PVC is organic, to a chemist. I don't know all the rules for what organic farming is, but I know there are a lot of different definitions---California's code being one of the most strict. You'd have to have one...
  14. S

    Theory question: Why 1 yellow leaf, only?

    Ahh, why didn't I think of that! It exhausted its supply of the minerals it can't move around! Thanks man.
  15. S

    Theory question: Why 1 yellow leaf, only?

    Hey there! So here's a question I can't answer from theory: I've got one older fan leaf that quickly (about 48hrs) turned homogenously yellow. What's odd to me is that there are other leaves both older and younger, and also more and less shaded that did not change. If it was mobile...