Recent content by socal*bud

  1. socal*bud

    need a decent bubbler, someone wanna sell one?

    No one huh? Damn
  2. socal*bud

    need a decent bubbler, someone wanna sell one?

    Title basically sais it all, im looking for a sweet lookign bubbler in the 20-50 dollar price range. I went into my local smokeshop today but they didnt have nay that i really liked, does anyone want to sell me theirs? Just post pics in here thanks SB
  3. socal*bud

    weed smokers fraternity

    Dunno how your going to pull that off, but you can try. I highly dought your college will let you.
  4. socal*bud

    The Future of Legalized Marijuana Cigarettes

    ^^^ thats what they have now, they have everything ready, all they have to do is add the THC.
  5. socal*bud

    Joint or bowl?Which do you prefer?

    Next time i smoke a joint im gunna hold a bottle over the tip of it so it collects all of the extra smoke :mrgreen:
  6. socal*bud

    The Future of Legalized Marijuana Cigarettes

    Yeah the people that make marlboros have factories allready made to start mass producing these. Thay have everything ready, they just have to add the THC.
  7. socal*bud

    Photoshop is fucking pissing me off

    Yeah it seriously does. How do they expect people to figure it out, even with tutorials its hard.
  8. socal*bud

    Joint or bowl?Which do you prefer?

    Yeah the only time i smoke joints is when i dont have pockets to carry around the pipe. Otherwise, i use a bong. You can take bigger rips and you dont waste smoke like with a joint. Like i said if i was at my house or friends house, ill use a bong.
  9. socal*bud

    Walmart by my house, ideas would be nice.

    Yeah im just gunna stick to growing in my house, i dont have enough money to make it work anyways :(
  10. socal*bud

    Free The Herb!

    I didn't think the leaf shape and the flame shape was bad, just the colors sucked. The density of the colors wasnt good either.
  11. socal*bud

    Free The Herb!

    Lol i think it was craft paint, yeah the colors weren't that great to choose from. I think the others i didn't use were blue and tennis ball green.
  12. socal*bud

    Free The Herb!

    Ill take 7, it wasn't really my best work.
  13. socal*bud

    Free The Herb!

    Yeah i used real shitty paint, it was just stuff laying around that i thought i might as well use.
  14. socal*bud

    Walmart by my house, ideas would be nice.

    The door was nailed shut, so when we left we hammered nails back in so you need a hammer to take them back out. I dunno it just seemed like decent idea. Whatever you guys convinced me to not do it :cry:
  15. socal*bud

    Rate the persons avatar above you...

    Yeah its definitely one of my favs.