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  • ""ok so at this point everyone should clearly see what is happening in our country. we are not a free country i pay taxes every day weather city or state. so there trying to tell us where we pay to eat sleep and shit we cant take our own medicine every culture has had people who make there own tonic and ok yea if you dont need it blah blah blah i can name off 3 or 4 plants that are such a mild high it could be used for head achs so you tell me how many people dont have head achs.i just dont think were gonna see any wide law changes until people just say to hell with it are they gonna arrest us all......... no and thats the point we have not had a civil war in to long the people need to take this country back....... :shock: ""--Skyboy2003

    I just read this and......I am with you....Brothers in arms.....Let's bring back revolution!!!
    Let's throw thier beer and whisky in the fucking waterway!
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