Recent content by sheapdog420

  1. sheapdog420

    Is marijuana bad for you?

    Don't add any tobacco, that shit has a bunch of chemicals in it that weed doesn't have. Especially nicotine. Just remember, everything in moderation is a good thing. Too much of anything can possibly kill you. Drink too much water, dead. Eat 10 potatoes, dead. Proper rolling technique makes it...
  2. sheapdog420

    ATF says illegal to sell guns to medical marijuana patients Stock up on your guns and ammo.
  3. sheapdog420

    ATF Says illegal to sell guns to med patients Get your guns and ammo stocked up. Any way they can the government will try and screw you over.
  4. sheapdog420

    Recall Schuette Petition Locations

    I think you'll be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks we are truly free. I just want to at least live by the standards of a constitutionally limited government that our fore fathers envisioned. That started going away around 1900 withTheodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Franklin Roosevelt...
  5. sheapdog420

    petition to reform medical marijuana laws nationwide sign & make a difference today

    Um, I followed the link, and the page said the moderators had taken down that question because it violated the terms of use. Let make this as clear as possible: The government makes too much money for their friends for them to allow marijuana to become legal. Doesn't matter if Democrats or...
  6. sheapdog420

    question for medical marijuana parients w/poll

    I support personal responsibility and constitutionally limited government. Prohibition goes against both.
  7. sheapdog420

    How come dispensaries are only shut down or busted in CA

    Michigan has had a lot closing. And there may be morons on the Michigan thread, but at least they're not intentionally being assholes, eh Tony?
  8. sheapdog420

    Pertinent Informative Websites for fellow Michiganders

    Nice work, only I don't trust a single thing coming from George Soros. Beyond that, here's some more information that I hope people will find helpful. Don't ever talk to a police officer: Drug War Facts...
  9. sheapdog420

    HIGH TIMES 2011 MEDICAL CANNABIS CUP coming to Detroit.

    WTF, I get every other weekend off to do whatever I like, and this coincides with the weekend I have responsibilities. Go Figure.
  10. sheapdog420

    This is what we are up against !

    So I guess we can honestly answer no to the question: Have you ever tried to grow your own marijuanta?
  11. sheapdog420

    This is HOW to make them listen.

    Also, if anyone can FOIA the info, then they have a pretty good idea where your grow is, and are now a target for theives. Any theives out there hear this: If I see you, I will shoot until my clip is empty, reload, and shoot again. This isn't for only marijuana theives, but to all theives...
  12. sheapdog420

    CNN Poll: Should Marijuana be legal?

    A lot of growers and dealers voted against that law because it was going to cut into their profits. Also, I think the law would have set it up so only state sanctioned corporations could grow and distribute. It wasn't a good law.
  13. sheapdog420

    6 on 6 off experiment

    Personally, marijuana has evolved on earth as every other species has over the last 300 million years give or take a few, to start throwing in a monkey wrench like this, not sure its going to work. But I also like the ingenuitiveness. So keep at it and let the community know. Good luck.
  14. sheapdog420

    House Insurance?

    If they have any reason to suspect what you are growing to be federally illegal, the fire would be excluded. It is up to you to prove otherwise.
  15. sheapdog420

    Come one Come all

    LOL! I heard that they bussed in a bunch of staties in full riot gear for a camio on the local news. Unbelieveable. And they had them in the back of the capital building so it made it look like no one showed up. Any info on this?