Samwell Seed Well

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  • you called me childish for having an opinion that was unsupported by you.......

    when ever some has tried to bring you down i was their , if i read it, to tell them that that was not ok and you are here to do your job

    your job is not to judge me when you dont support my opinions

    fair weather friends(oh wait you dropped me from your friends list, my bad)

    my account is still censored for correctly quoting admins friend hate speech

    but please proceed to defend them
    Beats me Sam; it shows up as an "unapproved" visitors message. Would really like to get rid of the stupid dialog tell me that. I must have missed something; you posted something Uncle Ben posted and you took it in the shorts for it??
    I'm alright ish as usual. Bit of pain in my body and the family, have alot of forms to fill in and clients to talk to... I'm taking each day as it comes. And you guys make me smile whatever is going on. You? What are you going to do when it gets warm properly? I want to go exploring in the woods or hit the beach. Hope you are taking care of yourself, sir x
    Nice to hear, productivity ^^ Aw thankies. There's so much awesome knowledge on this site already I spend alot of time yelling at people for making random new threads XP I'll think of something unique.. or I might bump my Sarsaparilla thread, because I got myself a nice new big bottle of it! :3
    Nice man, thanks for the heads up. I'm signing up right now.

    You a member over there?
    My, Thankyou *blush*

    Haha, if only it were a choice... I wish I could be a horse, but it' kind of odd having conflicting desires because sometimes I want to eat them ^^;
    Apparently I bark, whine and growl I my sleep, but I growl in bed when I'm very much awake, to X3
    hey bro im new at this, from having a profile, to growin hydroponacly. I was wonderin if u or frienfs could give me some tips
    hey bro im new into all this from having a profile.. to growin hyrdroponacly..I was just wonderin if u could help me out.
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