Recent content by Redemption9

  1. Redemption9

    Couple of noob questions

    Ok I think I will go with supercropping. LST really isnt going to be doable on that plant because its sitting high in the grow rock and its so big and unstable that I could just imagine the root ball tearing off, and then ill be tearing my hair out. Supercropping it is, thanks guys
  2. Redemption9

    Couple of noob questions

    even if its only been in flower for a couple of days?
  3. Redemption9

    Couple of noob questions

    I would have to chop about a foot off the top to get the proper distance, that would have be going a couple of nodes down from the top, will that work ok?
  4. Redemption9

    Couple of noob questions

    Ok so this is split into two questions. 1. is regarding a plant I have had in flowering for a couple of months now. It came to me as a sickly abused plant and I managed to nurse it away from the brink but its still and ugly scraggly thing... smells amazing though. I can not say what strain it...
  5. Redemption9

    How to smoke when you still live with parents?

    LOL that is awesome!
  6. Redemption9

    Dwarf plant

    Thats really strange my youngest plant is a Blue Haze OG from seed thats 26 days old. Shes almost 9 inches tall at this point and that is a bit runty compared to what I am used to.
  7. Redemption9

    How to smoke when you still live with parents?

    As a parent and someone who partakes, if you live in a prohibition state all I can say is this. 1. You sound like too much of a good kid to be doing this, which means your going to get caught. 2. You are about to be going to college, dont you think you aught to focus on school? 3. When its your...
  8. Redemption9

    Spider mites!

    I used mighty wash awhile back on two plants that got mites, it worked wonders but those plants were only 2 weeks into bloom at the time and I only had to spray them twice. Anything that works that well has to have something more than ionized water in it.
  9. Redemption9

    Help with sex

    it is hard to tell, and a bit too early to be positive but they do appear to me to be balls. Here is a photo of a male to show similarities I would give it a little time, but if you have other plants and if it turns out to be a male separate it before there is a chance of those pollen sacs...
  10. Redemption9

    Is this more milky or clear?? Is she ready

    good microscope is only about $40 I would pick one up. Close ups of the tricombs never lie.
  11. Redemption9

    Newer grower with a question

    I could be wrong Im not an expert or anything but theres been about an inch of growth in less than 24 hours and no other signs. Here is a picture of her taken 5 min ago and you can see the inch of growth from the height of the support rod that is in the dirt. besides the lower leaf what are the...
  12. Redemption9

    Is this stretching?

    Like so many others are saying, it is stretching a bit. Its not a problem though. At this stage you can bury the stem a little more to make it more stable or alternatively you can use a skewer or a staw and a wire tie to tie it upright. Whats yoing to happen is you are going to get a couple of...
  13. Redemption9

    Newer grower with a question

    Im pretty sure the messed up lower leaves is the result of something else. The plant is sprouting happy looking fans.
  14. Redemption9

    Newer grower with a question

    LOL fair enough. I just wasnt sure if I should be bringing up the dirt level or just leave it alone. Looks like Ill just let her do her things for awhile and see what happens
  15. Redemption9

    Newer grower with a question

    Just straight ph 6.5 water I think the plant got a little hot and that might be the reason for the odd coloration. I have another Blue Haze OG plant that is in Bloom and it seems to be a very temperamental plant in comparison to my other strains. To be fair to the plant it was just transplanted...