i have nothing going right now

im not allowed to grow at home anymore. my mom just cant stand the smell. so until i find a new place to grow, im not doing anything that way. the iso hash is a good good smoke. and its easy as hell to make too...lol. you just put ground up bud in a glass jar, pour in enough iso (99% isopropyl alcohol, you can get it at a drugstore in the first aid section) to just cover the buds. put on a lid, shake it for about 30 seconds, and then pour it into a coffee filter, and into a glass dish. after most of the alcohol has gone through the coffee filter, squeeze it really gently to get as much of the alcohol out as you can. try not to get any little pieces of bud into your glass dish. then i do a 2nd wash, where i put the wet weed back in the jar, cover it with iso again and filter a 2nd time. then you just let the liquid sit in the dish overnight. the alcohol will evaporate and you scrape the hash off with a razor