Recent content by paraplantastic

  1. paraplantastic

    Does 24hrs light make tight node spacing? Do tight nodes=more yield?

    Combine this with pinching and LST and not letting the center of your plant get clogged up with small shoots and giant fan leaves.... hell yes
  2. paraplantastic

    need advice for exhausting room

    If I can still help I'd love to pick back up tomorrow evening. Beds ah callin my name! ✌️
  3. paraplantastic


    Ok great I'd love to hear what you think. I'll definitely pick this back up tomorrow evening. My eyes are bleedin out my head, been on the site too long lol! Thanks for the reply! ✌️
  4. paraplantastic

    Does 24hrs light make tight node spacing? Do tight nodes=more yield?

    Aside from spectrum, strain and temp (bordering on stress but not necessarily stress) if a grower is to influence internodal spacing in flower to say reduce stretch, (if so desired) it lies in the day night temp varient. The closer they are to the same the smaller the internodes. Example, 75f...
  5. paraplantastic

    question about cooling in cold climates -31f/-35c

    Inkbird makes VERY affordable temp and humidity controllers. Great quality IMO. They have more functions than I would use, all packed in. They can handle heating and cooling at the same time without switching anything. Same thing with the humidity controllers. Worth a look. $45-$60 compared to...
  6. paraplantastic

    need advice for exhausting room

    I read your post closer lol! You shouldn't need an additional c filter if you have one in flower room already. If you're really concerned about smell make sure to oversize your carbon filter a little bit get it for more cfm's then your inline fan and keep your pre-filter clean. Sorry. I did not...
  7. paraplantastic

    need advice for exhausting room

    You are exhausting lights-out humidity then I assume? And using the climate controlled tent room as a "lung room" to maintain tent temps? Your exhaust fans in each tent could double duty as part time high temp exhaust (in case the mini split can't keep up), and night time humidity exhaust. As...
  8. paraplantastic

    Newbie -4x4 grow tent cmh light advice needed

    Ask 10 different growers and you get 10 different answers LOL!!
  9. paraplantastic

    Newbie -4x4 grow tent cmh light advice needed

    If this is a flower tent I'd go with a 1k hps w air cooled reflector and dimmable ballast. You will DEFINITELY "crush" it. At 62 watts a sq ft your entire canopy will explode. Gradually up the watts to full over the first 2 weeks. You thanwill more make up for the extra electricity in yield to...
  10. paraplantastic


    Forgot to add this - I am better off with the long side of the reflectors orientated across the 5' width of the canopy as opposed to the opposite? Thanks for any input at all
  11. paraplantastic


    My flower room is 24'x14'. There is a 4' row down the center and a 5'x24' canopy space on either side. I'm using 1000w de inside 37"x24" rectangular non air-cooled reflectors. 6 on each side. It is a basement grow w 7 1/2' ceiling. I'm wondering if this layout best utilizes the light. Canopy...