Recent content by oontribe

  1. oontribe

    Autoflower Purple leaves (flowering stage)

    My northern light xxl autoflower is flowering now outdoor (may not appear in the pictures but they finished their first set of bud growing and now they are in their 2nd set of white pistils growing on buds and the trichomes are still clear) it rained heavly from a week and the plants showed...
  2. oontribe

    Off white spots on leaves.

    Yes it's my first grow and i am learning more so next time there will be no space for mistakes and i am waiting for white widow autofem seeds to arrive next month and the weather will be better. I am growing northern light autoflower fem on peatmoss, perlite and lime and when the seedling was...
  3. oontribe

    Off white spots on leaves.

    My plant is two months old autofem growing outdoor in high 24c 9c low temp and 8-10 hrs of direct sunlight. Its been stunt for nearly three weeks in the firat month due to wrong info by a member here but now its growing good but a little bit slow. I feed it two days ago with half strength...
  4. oontribe

    First real outdoor grow AUSTRALIA

    Temp is 37f or c.
  5. oontribe

    First real outdoor grow AUSTRALIA

    Are they autoflower or photoperiod? What's the temperature? Which strain?
  6. oontribe

    Autoflower issue

    How many grams it will yields per plant?
  7. oontribe

    Autoflower issue

    I ll try to get fem seeds from those plants and start again when they finish!
  8. oontribe

    Autoflower issue

  9. oontribe

    Autoflower issue

    My plant is 2 months old and was stunned for nearly 3 weeks in the first month due to wrong info by another member here who told me not supply it with nutrients yet and it was 10 days old then it was stunned for 3 weeks and then another member told me to use the nutrients immediately because my...
  10. oontribe

    Transplanting problem

    Yea, but this is the only transfer i ve made. This is my 1st growth and i am still a newbie. I have read that autos should never be stunned due to their short life span. They are 2 months old and they were stunned for nearly 3 weeks in the first month due to wrong info from a member in this...
  11. oontribe

    Transplanting problem

    Yea i use only perlite 40% peatmoss 60% and lime. I supply them with liquid nutrients A+B+C half strength every time i water them. Going to move them outdoors this morning.
  12. oontribe

    Transplanting problem

    Just transplanted autofem plant from a very small pot to 5gal pot when the leaves reached the edges of the pot and its been there for nearly a month, the medium is peatmoss, perlite and lime. When i tried to take out the plant from the small pot the soil was loose, it didn't come out as a...
  13. oontribe

    Droopy yellowing and stunned growth

    Don't have more seeds and they take up to 2 months after purchasing them from the net to arrive to my country. They are indicas autoflower feminized, and i read that autos should never be stressed, and my plants been stunned for nearly three weeks, but they didn't die and now they are getting...
  14. oontribe

    Droopy yellowing and stunned growth

    They are getting greener but still droopy, thx man.