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  • I also heard in good old California that they have Marijuana vending machines and you just have to have a special prescription card to obtain your strain of choice and amount. Usually prices can be kinda steep I heard but this is real deal labratory grown medical marijuana. I would love for my state to join in with the i think it may be 12-13 (maybe more) states that have decriminalized or legalized marijuana for patients who are prescribed medical bud to help with their aches, pains, eye/vision problems, appetite problems, cancer and chemotherapy pains, all sorts of uses, hell I even read it helps with PMS for women, that would be great if it did! All the men understand where I'm coming from on that one. I love my wife though! She is everything to me and supports my decisions no matter what. I wouldn't know what to do without her.
    Ever been to either place? I heard in Cali you can just get a Cannibus Card and you are allowed to carry a certain amount on you for personal use at all times. That makes me want to move to Cali! I have a messed up back from a car wreck i was in a few years back and the only thing, well the only thing i like to use for my chronic back pain is good ol' mary J. I was taking anywhere from 60 to 120 mg of Oxycodone/Oxycontin mixed a day just to keep the pain away, well long story short. The pain pills are very addictive and it was like I couldn't function without it, so I discovered Suboxone, kills the pain but also helps you stop taking prescription pain medicine without going through months of pains, inside and outside your body, horrible withdrawals, and possible death from severe Withdrawal. It worked wonders for me and really helps my pain and I feel like a new man again!
    I wish I was in Jamaica mon, smokin' on de finest gangja in the land, oh how wonderful that would be. Before I die, I will take a trip there and also to Amsterdam, so I can go experience the mind blowing strains of de wonderful herb mon'. So many you couldn't try them all and make it without having to take a nap break! LOL Seriously that is my dream and I will make it come true, even if I have to wait until i am an old man to go enjoy it!
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