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  • Yo whats good man? My internet has been down.. The canvas is looking good, ill send you a flick of it tomorrow.. It doesnt have any color yet but the sketch(which is the hardest part) is almost done!
    Haha nice, yea I needa buy some more with different lengths and whatnot.
    Man I am sooo stoked to drop again! My friend and I made a playlist on her ipod called A. Sydney. Haha any music suggestions?
    So far we've got Pink Floyd, The Doors, Lady Tron, Jimi Hendrix, Slightly Stoopid, La Roux, The Shins, Black Moth Super Rainbow, and some awesome shamanic icaro music I found while looking up DMT. Ahaha
    Haha yea it's an insane workout man. It comes with 11 dvd's that you watch everyday, and it like tricks your body because your working different parts of your body everyday. It's seriously kicking my ass.
    Lol you know I'm definitely 1000% down for that. That's how I felt after my first lsd trip, the next day my mind felt amazingggg.
    Dude I started P90x this week, my body feels like a friggin corpse. Hahaha shit is too much. Can't stop though. Lol
    That's dooope bud! Haha I've been thinking about it a lot. I'm hoping to do the ayahuasca when I can find a spot to chill for like a day. Lol
    So how long did it last? Were the visions intense?
    Word man ill def send you some photo's probably tomorrow.. Man i just enjoy seeing people enjoying my art so im as stoked as you are haha.
    Word man..

    Which one are you reffering to, sorry im still confused..

    Is their any way you can go to johney herbz page and let me know which one down it is?

    Sorry i know im probably making this way more complicated then it has to be, i just want to make sure and get you what you want!
    Word man ill send you a couple then.. I started on an outer space one for you yesterday, canvas is like 2 ft by 3 ft, i think you will dig it.. Im down to make you another one to.. Honestly im on disability from work due to a broken neck so i dont have anything to do but watch tv, surf the web, and draw/paint.. So ill be more then willing to send you a couple.. Gives me something to do with my day lol..

    What do you mean by convoluting lines? I tried googling it and couldnt really figure out what they are
    That reminds me of the movie Smiley Face. Have you seen it? Definitely gotta take a blunt to the face and watch that shit. Love it.
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