Recent content by Mostlypics

  1. M

    Anyone please help me? New growth yellow.

    thar isn’t yellow dude that is light green totally normal for new leaf. Also taco it is likely slightly hot but judging a new leaf is alloy man. It can’t be PH soil has a buffer as I explained. Look you be better listening and not arguing when you ask questions. Good luck. that is t yellow...
  2. M

    Anyone please help me? New growth yellow.

    Lol ok bro you can try to fix a non problem then good luck.
  3. M

    Anyone please help me? New growth yellow.

    Pro mix has buggers that PH balance. As does most soil it is rare to need to PH fresh soil. Those look fine man new growth is ama so lighter green.
  4. M

    How are things looking?

    I am not a caterpillar expert but some types those things are the worst. If you aren’t already I would spray BT bi weekly or more. Check the caterpillar thread in outdoor for more info. If you are or know already then my apologies but I believe this is one of your first grows and they...
  5. M

    2023 harvest getting near

    1 getting close to done.
  6. M

    First Time Outdoor Grow

    I would take those 5g and get some 20g totes. Just fill the tote with dirt with the 5 gallon in the middle. You don’t even got to take the plant out of the 5g pot. The purpose isn’t to upsize it is to give a cooler area around the root zone. Those look like they suffering from heat badly to me.